Life update

Since this is a blog, I may as well start using it kinda like one, right?

Applications are going horribly slow, but at least now there are only three left.  I can’t wait for them to be over.  I’m frankly a bit terrified of the one school with a video entry, though.  Should I pretty myself up? ><

This week both needs to slow down and speed up…  Can’t wait for it to be over, but there’s so much to have done in the meantime.  I think this is the busiest semester I’ve had, including my college years.  That’s frankly a bit amazing.

I was very surprised by the LD poll results.  I honestly hadn’t expected so many people to just read the translations without playing the game.  Thank you, everyone.  m(._.)m

Things should smooth out by the time school’s ended (obviously).  Then I’ll have a stretch of free time and during which I shall curl up with LD and pound out something resembling a maid of honor speech for my sister’s happy ceremony in early Jan.  Apparently I’m going ziplining.  I’ve never gone.  I wonder if they’ll let me bring a camera up with me?

I’m currently on a Tales binge.  Just finished Abyss (for the second time, and now I want to start all over again.  Sigh) and I’m raring for the next.  That plus my fairly recent access to eBay has resulted in me going on a PS3 game shopping binge.  Sigh.

I was amused to find all of Sorceror Stabber Orphen Mubouhen on eBay, though.  At a ridiculously expensive price (compared to someplace like, say, Bookoff), but still.  The package deal exists!  Wow.

5 things and 3 apps to do this week.  Let the countdown begin!  *rolls up sleeves*  One thing at a time, right?

PS: I hate how my creative urges come the heaviest precisely when I don’t have time for them…


  • Tales of Eternia (PSP)
  • Winds of Nostalgia (DS)
  • G01 – CS (3DS)


Aero Porter (3DS)

5 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. allycat
    Dec 10, 2012 @ 04:34:30

    I totally know what your going through! The school I want to get into requires an interview, written essay and photo. ><; When I sat down to write the essay and then reread what I'd written I realized most of what I said were very unflattering things about myself. Geez. Talk about beating oneself with a verbal stick. I just couldn't come up with anything good to say about myself and whenever I tried I felt kinda embarrassed. My sis says to get over it and write it as sincerely and honestly as possible. Without the negativity. What would I do without my kawaii imouto to kick some sense into me when I need it? 🙂 But I'm giving it my best and thinking happy thoughts!
    I totally think that you should look your best when you do your video! Show your best side and believe in yourself! Go for the gusto! Run into the sunset! Keep your head up! Show no fear, even when your quaking inside!
    Hoping for the best and sending positive vibes your way! 🙂



    • terracannon876
      Dec 13, 2012 @ 09:10:02

      Oh don’t worry. At least you didn’t write the place’s name wrong on a job application. That taught me not to do stuff half-asleep ._.;;

      Writing application essays is hard! I may be able to write a 10-page fic, or even a 20-page paper, but writing application essays for me is especially like pulling teeth because I’m not used to extolling about myself. I honestly prefer to stay in the bg…

      It’s also partially because of where I’m applying to, but that’s another story altogether ^^;

      Yep. I’m all prettified and stuff. Kinda. Except I don’t really know how to prettify myself so I look kinda normal. Oh well XD



  2. holdeferc08
    Dec 13, 2012 @ 04:06:49

    I know how you feel, I just finished my grad school classes yesterday, but I was a stressful mess for four months. Now that I actually have free time again there’s so much I can do 😀



    • terracannon876
      Dec 13, 2012 @ 09:12:05

      Classes last for another week, with the whole slew of finals next week. (This week was project week 8D )

      Yes! Congrats! XD What plans, if you don’t mind me asking?

      I’ve always found it odd that some ppl can’t find anything to do when they have free time. I’m just like GIMME YOUR TIIIIME *-*



  3. holdeferc08
    Dec 13, 2012 @ 17:35:57

    Thank you. I’m halfway through my graduate program. ;x;

    Seeing The Collection as soon as I can. 🙂



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