Lucky Dog 1 translations 03 Ivan Route 10

Part 1: Prison

Chapter 3

Visitor Visit 3

This scene is not worksafe!

I merrily skip my way to the visiting room.

Gian: You again?  What do you want?  You’re just full of free time, aren’t you?
Homer: I came for a different matter today.

…Except, it looks to me like you’re scheming something?

Homer: There’s something that has been bothering me from when we first met.  When I talked about the death penalty … to my eyes, it looked as though you were pleased, somehow.

He’d noticed…?

Homer: You were looking forward to the execution…  It puzzled me as to how that could be.

Shit, does this mean one of the escape plans is up in the wind?

Homer: So I investigated further.  I was surprised to find that your family was massacred by an addict…

Mm … is it just me or are we talking about something else now…?

Gian: What about it?
Homer: This made me think, perhaps you actually despise criminals because of the repercussions of this childhood event?  Am I right?

I can’t find the words.  Homer nods several times while looking my way, as though he’s answering his own question.

Homer: After such an unfortunate childhood, and even after walking down the deviant path of the Mafia, deep down, you hate criminals…

What’s this guy spouting?  Is he for real?  I consciously make sure my expression doesn’t change as I think this, though.

Homer: We BOI can help fulfill your dream.  Will you promise your cooperation?

Aah.  I get it now.  That’s what he’s getting at.

Gian: In other words, you’re asking me to play stool pigeon.
Homer: No, we’re asking you to be our ally.   A collaborator in the extermination of crime.

This guy … might seriously be thinking this is the most wonderful thing in the world, from the bottom of his heart.  I’d heard rumors of the BOI’s gang hunt, but man, they’re useless.

Homer: This is the perfect chance for you to rid the country of the enemy of honest, respectable men!

I can feel my annoyance at Homer reaching critical levels as he leans in with that triumphant expression on his face.

Behind Homer’s the visiting room’s door.  I’d noticed that there were no shadows from the guards falling on the window.

Homer probably had the guards keep their distance with the intention of making me a rat from the start.

What a perfect chance.  I can have Homer help relieve all my stress in one go…

Gian: Why’s there no guards outside?  So they can’t hear this secret talk we’re having?
Homer: Yes, that is correct.  If the guards hear this, it may leave you in a bad situation.

8 out of 10, he did it to protect himself.  He’s no different from a con.

Gian: But, if you’re too loud, someone might still come.
Homer: Loud?
Gian: I’m talking ’bout the moaning you’re gonna make when I fuck you.
Homer: Wh-what are you talking about?  Hey-!

I quickly cut around the desk and sock Homer one in the stomach when he tries to pick himself up.

Homer: Gwah!


Homer: Ngh … guh…

I hoist his ass up and bang into him.  The sound of flesh hitting flesh echoes through the visiting room.  I had to forcibly stick myself in, so there’s a faint whiff of blood in the air.

Gian: Come on, keep your legs open.  Can’t move otherwise.

His underwear’s stuffed into his mouth, and his face is soggy with tears and snot.  I can’t help but laugh at the sight.

Gian: This the first time you’ve done it with a guy?  You should take notes, Homer.  Tasting all experiences life has to offer is what makes you a good investigator.

Gian: What’s this?  Looks like you’ve gotten more energetic down there as well.

As I take aim and repeatedly thrust into him, Homer’s dick starts to grow and leak from the tip.  The cum drips just as forcefully, if not moreso, as his tears.

Homer: …Ff … Hn…!  …Nn…hn!!

I feel Homer’s insides tighten and twitch.

Gian: What?  You wanna go?  I’m not quite there yet.  You might say it’s just a ‘biological reaction’ ‘cause it’s your first time, but I think this was what you wanted from the start.

Don’t think he heard my voice.  Either way, Homer’s busy getting jolted with every ram and shuddering in disgust the whole time.

Gian: Come on, I’m jammed in you!  Cum!

After I spit this out, Homer convulses.  White liquid squirts from his crotch.

Homer: Nn!  Nn … mm…

Homer clenches tight around me as he goes, so tight it almost hurts.  It feels pretty good.

Gian: …Haah…  Heh, you even dirtied up your chin.  You’d be a sure hit if you’re ever thrown in here.

Perhaps he’d given up after the orgasm, but Homer stops struggling.  Only his inners squirm erotically, inviting my release.

… I can’t enjoy him for too long either.  I’m screwed if a guard peeks in and sees us.

Gian: Don’t move a muscle.

I grab Homer’s waist and pull out until my tip is touching his rim, and then thrust deep, all the way to my base.  I repeat these long strokes several times…

Homer:  Huu … ahn, nngh…!

Homer’s dick’s starting to swell again.  I cum inside him, deep into his innermost inners.

Gian: Ugh…  There … we go…

Tasting the dregs of pleasure from cumming and a tad bit of regret alongside, I gasp for air, again and again.

Still half-stiff, Homer’s eyes cling to me, but I couldn’t care less as I withdraw from him.

I pull out a handkerchief from Homer’s pocket and wipe myself clean, and then use it to cork up his ass.  It won’t go all in, so half of it ends up splaying out between his cheeks.

I take out the underwear used to gag his squeals from his mouth and hold it to his feet.

Gian: Come on, step through your undies and pretty yourself up already.  I’m leaving.

Homer:  Damn it … Bastard.  How … could you…

Battered with confusion and shock, Homer glares at me from upon the desk.

Gian: You’re gonna raise a stink?  ‘A visitor got raped by an inmate!’  Go ahead and take a shot, if your pride’ll let ya.  Don’t forget to check out how others’ll look at you if you do, though.

Guarding his ass, Homer picks himself up and pulls up his pants.  He struggles to pull the handkerchief from his ass at the same time.

Gian: You pull that out, and it’ll all go spurt.  And then it’ll get all over your clothes and you might even get pulled over when you check outta here.  You want it out, take it out in the loo or after you’re nice and safe at home.

Homer: …Grrgh…

I tell him this out of the goodness of my heart, yet his face still scrunches up.

Homer: How could this… Damn it…

Gian: You rubbed me the wrong way one too many times, so I had to indulge in some stress relief.
Gian: Once you’re done pondering, don’t you go around telling anyone.  Come on!  Get dressed.

Homer: Y-You’re forbidding me from…?

Gian: If you wanna, it’s your funeral.  Me, I’ll be keeping mum.

I can practically see Homer weighing out his options.  To accuse me or to just accept and cry himself to sleep at night.

By the time I’ve laid my hand on the doorknob, it looks like Homer’s decided on the latter.  He quickly tidies up and hefts himself to the floor from the tabletop.

Homer:  Ugh … Shit…!

Gian:  But you came, right?

Homer turns away from me.  There’s humiliation written all over his face, but I sense some gratitude.

Gian: …I’ll be going ahead.  If you limp, people’ll find out, so take your time, nice and easy.
Gian: Later!  …Though, I don’t think we’ll see each other ever again…

Homer’s head is down when I leave him and the visiting room behind.

…Now, I just gotta fly the coop before Homer gets his act together and puts a plan of revenge in motion.

<< Back to Chapter 3 – Ivan Visit 2

Onto Chapter 3 – Day 5 Closing >>


I think about it, but figure it’s more trouble than it’s worth.  With tension hidden in his eyes, Homer watches me as I stand with a loud clatter.

Gian: Don’t come again.

With only those words, I leave the visiting room, alone.

Homer doesn’t chase after me.

<< Back to Chapter 3 – Ivan Visit 2

Onto Chapter 3 – Day 5 Closing >>

20 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. terracannon876
    Jan 10, 2012 @ 02:42:54

    Remember that I look over my stuff about a day or two after I put it up. The “final” version (hopefully) is only after I’ve made a post about these translations. You’ll probably find awkward things and find them gone later. What you’re reading now is a first draft.

    I’ve looked into what you pointed out. Thanks.



  2. Li
    Jan 10, 2012 @ 04:08:12

    No problem.



  3. Randomgirl1426
    Aug 25, 2012 @ 21:37:01

    When I saw the “Don’t violate” and “Violate”, I was thinking Ooh options! Before I could even think about which one you’d chose I see “Violate” chosen and I just had to laugh at that. XD



    • terracannon876
      Aug 25, 2012 @ 22:01:36

      Thank you for reading! I’m glad you’re enjoying it so much =) Comments like these are really fun to read XD

      The choices are there for those playing the game, so they can know which choice to choose to get to the desired ending.



  4. Britches
    Jan 04, 2013 @ 06:13:06

    ” Homer: There’s something that has been bothering me from when we first met. When I talked about the death penalty … to my eyes, it looked as though you were pleased, somehow.”

    Now at this point, this could go so many ways and little of them are good.

    “Homer: You were looking forward to the execution… It puzzled me as to how that could be.
    Shit, does this mean one of the escape plans is up in the wind?”

    Funny enough, the last thing that came to my mind were the escape plans. A guilty conscience is prone to obsession, I suppose, no wonder this is Gian’s main concern. I, for one, immediately thought he might peg Gian a sadist or a psychopath or a vigilante (or at least unlikely ally in the pursuit of really bad guys) of a kind.

    “Homer: So I investigated further. I was surprised to find that your family was massacred by an addict…”

    OH. This is where he’s going with this.

    “Homer: This made me think, perhaps you actually despise criminals because of the repercussions of this childhood event? Am I right?”

    …so vigilante-like? I wasn’t that far off?

    “Homer: No, we’re asking you to be our ally. A collaborator in the extermination of crime.”

    And now it all comes back to me. Right. Gian gets pissed because Sasuke-in-henge is asking him to be a snitch. Honestly, I kind of understand how one could get majorly indignant at the very notion.

    “What a perfect chance. I can have Homer help relieve all my stress in one go…”

    Violate violate violate always violate

    “Gian: I’m talking ’bout the moaning you’re gonna make when I fuck you.”

    Seriously though, what a moron. You lock yourself in a room with a repeat-offender of various crimes with no one to back you up or hear you scream when you do not have the means to protect yourself, and you call yourself a federal agent. I think not.

    “I hoist his ass up and bang into him.”

    Oh lordy that oughta hurt.

    “His underwear’s stuffed into his mouth, and his face is soggy with tears and snot. I can’t help but laugh at the sight.”

    For everyone who ever wondered how Gian could have ended up on the “dark side”, here’s a News Flash: He’s not exactly a good guy and certainly not above pointless violence and experiencing Schadenfreude over it. hE’S A MOBSTER FOR CHRIST’S SAKE

    “Still half-stiff, Homer’s eyes cling to me, but I couldn’t care less as I withdraw from him.”

    That’s just rude, Gian.

    “Homer turns away from me. There’s humiliation written all over his face, but I sense some gratitude.”

    What the. Gratitude? For the fuck? Jesus, there’s Japan for you again. As long as you orgasm, you can’t really be mad, right? Fuck that.



  5. Rain
    Jan 31, 2013 @ 16:32:54

    Gian… as a seme… oh my LORD!! O.O SO HOT! OMOMOM! …btw, isn’t there any scene with that Joshua guy? Damn, I liked him very much… Thanks for posting again! Love this so much^^



    • terracannon876
      Feb 03, 2013 @ 13:34:54

      No, no scene with Joshua. I’ve actually wished for it. Sadness =(

      The most you’ll get is that SS and some random scenes XD



      • Kuroneko
        Feb 06, 2013 @ 17:09:42

        No Joshua scene? Well, at least there´s a Lloyd scene. >:D He looked so happy it was kinda creepy…



      • Britches
        Mar 24, 2013 @ 07:53:01

        Joshua is the one sane person in the whole universe, and he somehow keeps clinging to the brittle strands of lucidity despite being surrounded by nutjobs, one of who is his nymphomaniac best friend. He is probably based on the one intern coffee fetcher on the tennenouji team who reacts with exasperation yet possesses a strange, almost motherly fondness for all the crazies in the workplace. Sexualizing him might break the universe. Imagine Alice falling into the rabbit hole and her first action in Wonderland being hitting the caterpillar up for some of the weed in his pipe and proceeding to have a long, one-sided conversation with one of the ginormous flowers. You need an anchor that tells the reader that yes, everyone and everything here IS in fact strange as can be. This isn’t the norm. Everyone is special.
        …. that’s Joshua for me. 😀



  6. Rain
    Feb 07, 2013 @ 07:08:30




  7. Luckydoglover
    Aug 06, 2013 @ 11:16:19

    What will happen if you clicked “Mess with him some more” ?….just curious ^.^



  8. Yaoigurl
    Feb 06, 2014 @ 10:09:02

    Curious thought does anyone know who the seiyuu is for agent homer * v * his voice is the perfect example of hot uke <33333



  9. K
    Jun 11, 2019 @ 00:26:45

    Is the translation for messing with him more on here somewhere?



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