Lucky Dog 1 translations 09 Giulio route 02 best

Part 3: Daivan

Chapter 9

Mad Dog


We have the taxi park some ways from our target.  We leave the car and set off down the filthy streets.  There’s the huge factory buildings.  Between them, a small community of dwellings.  And a path crossing through it…

Steam wafts up from the sewers dotted here and there all along the ground that’s eternally soaked with puddles of sewage, polluting the air that’s already murky on the best of days.

giandaivanu3-3-2c Gian: This is downright awful, this place.  Yet, people still live around here, even like this, eh…


Giulio: The neighborhood in this area was only recently inhabited.  It is likely there are many illegal immigrants.


He drops the bluntly brutal words like it’s nothing as he continues on.  Plus … I’d been feeling some unsettling stares on my back or rather creeping down my neck for a while now…

It’s the stares coming from the people living in the area, from within the cardboard-like homes, the apartments on the verge of collapsing.  From the crevices between the steel ribs of the factory.

None of them come into the open.  Maybe they’d seen the GD settling in last night and had holed themselves up out of fright…

We go in a bit further and reach the factory Bernardo’d indicated in his orders.  If I remember right, it’s the industrial park for a sheet metal factory that makes springs for cars.

Suddenly, Giulio’s moves his lips, barely and nothing else.

giuliodaivan1-4-1b Giulio: Please do not turn around…  We are being followed…

I almost stop my feet and say something, but just barely I catch myself and continue onward without a hitch.

giandaivanu2-2-2b Gian: …Is it GD?
giuliodaivan5-1-1b Giulio: They are wearing riveted shoes.  …They are not factory workers or unemployed workers.

…I see.  So this is their “Please welcome to our humble abode”?

giandaivanu2-1-2b Gian: What’re we gonna do?  Preempt ‘em?
giuliodaivan1-4-1b Giulio: They are probably carrying guns…  Let us … go somewhere open.

I give a small thumb’s up within Giulio’s vision.  Plus…

Today, I’d brought this baby.  I pet the steel of the pistol jammed into my belt, the one I’d practically forgotten about, and rein in my jumpiness.


Giulio:  ….Heh…  …Hehe…


…?  …Huh?  Giulio’s looking down … and his expression…  His eyes…

At some point in time, the stuffed, mounted dog had disappeared, nowhere to be seen.

…And in its place, gleaming rabidness.  The Mad Dog…

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Then, it happened, just as we’d moved into where the sunlight hits a corner in the alleyway.

Right there, in front of my eyes, is an old collapsing warehouse, entrance gaping wide open with its door missing .  Then…


giandaivanu3-11-1 Gian: Gh, whoa!!

The roar of gunshot crackles from behind.  I pull my neck in by instinct and my feet freeze.  Giulio beside me doesn’t even blink…

…as he stops just a little behind me.  …Why … wasn’t he scared?  …Did he know the bullets weren’t flying this way?

GD Soldier 1: …Don’t move, fucking macaroni bastards!!


From behind, the harsh insult-laden shout echoes through the alley.

Me, to the right.  Giulio, to the left.  We shift so that we’re back-to-back.  There’s three bastards tailing us.

And from another road, another five carrying leather blackjacks and a hunting rifle.  Looks like they’re trying to surround us.  …So they have a grasp of the terrain already?

GD Soldier 2: Don’t move!  Don’t ya move a fucking muscle!!

GD Soldier 3: Just two?  The fuck ya think you are?!

GD gangsters … I think.  Mixed in with them here and there are brats who just look out of a job.

All of them are packing weapons, inching forward.  Surrounding us.  Then,

Max: Hey, take care of their luggage.

From behind the shadows of the wooden crates lying abandoned in the warehouse lumbers up a brawny, solid ox-like man.  …Oh.  GD and sickle tattoo on the arm!  Nice and clear.

As another revolver points in our direction, numerous trembling hands reach towards me and Giulio and ruffle through our clothes.  I raise my hand slightly, and Giulio…


…Usually, this’d be a completely hopeless situation, but…  I shoot a glance at Giulio.  His face is calm, like he’s listening to a record…


…No, that’s not it.  A smile, with a tint of blood.  Standing there’s the Mad Dog.  I push a grin forward onto my face.

giandaivanu3-13-2 Gian: That’s a mighty pricey piece you’ve got there!  Make sure you don’t drop it.  Don’t think you could afford it with the jobs you’re pulling off here.

GD Soldier 1: Shaddap!  …Huh?  …Boss!  This wop’s not packing!!

The young hoodlum checking Giulio raises his voice.  …?  He didn’t find the knife?

Max: What’d you say?  You…  Ain’t ya Daivan Mafia?  Think ya’re gonna fuckin’ raid us empty-handed, doncha?!

GD Soldier 2: Hehe, d’you think they just come to buy some girls?

GD Soldier 3: Or maybe they’re on a date together?  Whoo!

The thugs jeer at us something vulgar, trying to get their ox-man boss to laugh.  I shift my eyes and eyes alone and count the number of people around…

There’s probably two pistols…  Mine’s stolen, so that’s three…  Then there’s one rifle…  The rest’ve got clubs and knives.

Max: How the fuck d’ya sniff us out here anyways?  We just got in yesterday.  Still need t’squat and take our first shit here.  Whatever.  Why don’t we sit ‘n have a chat?

In his hand’s grasped an adze, the kind used to chop up firewood.  It’s an old ax, stained with something rather suggestively unpleasant…  The dull blade doesn’t even shine as he turns it towards us.

GD Soldier 2: But, Boss, no way the two of ‘em ‘d come ‘n raid us with nothin’ on ‘em.  They’re probably just some hoodlums got lost here.

GD Soldier 3: Were ya lookin’ for someplace to jerk each other off, kiddo?

…These guys … they’re underestimating the CR:5’s reconnaissance.


…Huh?  …The one who’d given us the orders here … was the Bondone old man.  …The fuck’s going on here?!

How’d that grandpa know about them if they’d just got here…?!


Max: Hahaaa!!  Too scared t’say anythin’, eh?  Ever heard of GD’s Hatchet Max?  That’s me, hear?

Max: Ya know, I use this baby here t’hack up bodies into chunks.  Maybe you’ll feel like talkin’ after all the fingers’re off your hand, eh?

giandaivanu3-13-2 Gian: Who knows ‘bout that…

I respond in accented English.

giandaivanu2-11-1b Gian: We here’ve got some education, y’know.  Unlike you, we know how t’count to ten without our fingers, so that little threat of yours?  Nuh uh, sorry.  Try harder.

Two seconds pass.  Realizing the meaning of the insult, the Max guy’s face turns from arrogant to beet-red, scowling and beast-like.

Max: B-Bastard!  Ya wanna die?!

It’s then Giulio speaks up, voice cold like the wind leaking through a crack in the wall.


Giulio: …Signor Gian, I will deal with the guns first.  Do not duck down.  Please … stay standing as you are.

Giulio’s voice was blunt, void of anything and everything – of hostility, of excitement, of fear … like he’s saying nothing but “Please eat your pasta before your bread.”  I return a small nod.

Max: Say something, fuckers!!

The stupidly bullish musclehead shoves aside the other thugs and stretches an arm towards me.  An instant later … something flashes across my vision.

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GD Soldier 1: …!  Fucker!  Don’t mo—!

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Max: …Guh?!

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GD Soldier 3: …U-Uh…  Geeeaaaaaah?!  Aaaaaagh!!

GD Soldier 2: W-Wah?!  The fuck?!


By the time I hear the whistling of the knife, his blade had already seized its next victim.  A hand still gripping the rifle clunks to the floor.

And the hatchet-bastard reaching forward to grab me…  All the fingers on his hairy-backed hand, other than his thumb, are missing.

Max: Wh-Wh-What—?!  Gaaaaah!!

Thunk, the axe to the floor.  Max curls in over his deformed left hand and howls like a beast.

GD soldier 3: Eeeeeeeghhaaaaeegh!!  M-My!  My haaaand!!

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…Giulio…  When?  How did he do that…?

GD Soldier 1: B-Boss?!

GD Soldier 2: F-Fucking assholes!!  The fuck’d you do?!


Click.  Click.

The panic-stricken gangsters, all reason gone from their eyes, point their guns our way, along with the remaining pistols.

I prepare to leap towards the rifle that’d fallen with the hand.


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…before countless muzzles can point my way…

giulio73-3     transition77

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…Giulio’s moved.  He’s fast, but it’s not that I couldn’t see him.  …I did see it.  Just, by the time I’d noticed it was all over.

GD Soldier 1: ………

GD Soldier 2: …Buh…!

Giulio: …Tsk…

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All the ones about to shoot us all, everyone … dies.  Simultaneously, instantaneously, before I could even count to “one”…

Gian: Wh-Whoa…


The three men holding guns have a cut sliced through their neck.  Dead in an instant.  As they’re still swaying on their feet, blood gurgles from their cut carotid, spraying about before they crumple onto the grimy floor.

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Max: U-Uhhh?!  What?!  Reinforcements?!

A despairing shriek from the macho, still not comprehending the situation.  The remaining gangsters hesitate, panic in their eyes – Run away?  Run towards their Boss?  Kill us?

GD Soldier 5: B-Boss!  I’m gonna go call—  Eeeeh…!

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One of the hoodlums tries to escape.  The moment he turns his back to us, a perfectly horizontal red line appears on the back of his neck … and he pitches forward and falls.


Giulio: …Do not run.  More…

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Clink, the knife clatters within Giulio’s hand.  At the same time, the man whose wrist had been sliced off with the rifle, who’d been rolling about in the dirt, becomes still.

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A red geyser shoots from his back like a hose.

GD Soldier 4: U-Uwaah!!  Eeee!!


The brat who’d snitched my gun points the muzzle up towards me … but pulling the trigger only causes an empty clack clack.  Well, of course it would.  I hadn’t loaded the gun yet.

GD Soldier 4: U-Uwh?!  Fuuuck!!

I reach out and snatch the pistol back from him.


The man who’s honestly scared as a brat falls when I whack him with the pistol grip.  In the corner of my eyes…

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…Giulio’s shadow blurs.

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And … it’s over.  …I’d only managed to pathetically knock out one.  …The other seven are bodies stretched out in the dirt.


I step down hard on the dirt-turned-sludge.  The raw stench of blood, after all this time, finally reaches my nose.

giandaivanu3-3-2c Gian: …Amazing…

Giulio gazes down at the bloodstained knife and red leather glove, his eyes flashing with blood-drunk madness and feral grins.  No hiding it now.

I … was mistaken this whole time.  It’s not that Giulio leads the strongest troops in battle.  No, he himself is the CR:5’s most powerful troop.

Well, even if I’d heard this from others, I wouldn’t have believed it without seeing it with my own eyes.

Max: G-Guuugh…!  Y-You bas’durds…  Jes…?

Kneeling in the bloody slush is the whatever-his-name macho face, groaning.

The blood oozing from his fingerless hand stains his arm red up to the elbow.

Max: Wh-Who’re you?!  Why…?  They’re … ev’ryone’s dead…  Shiiiit!!  Fuck!  I neb’r heard a thing ‘bout this!!

He’s probably got no idea what just happened…  …I’m in the same boat.

Giulio checks our surroundings for any remaining enemies, finds none, and heads closer to the kneeling macho-face.

Max: Fuck…!  That’s not what he…!  U-Uaaagh?!  Guh…!!

Like ripping up grass from a lawn, Giulio seizes the man’s bangs and jerks his head up, exposing his throat.  Just when I get what’s about to happen…

giandaivanu3-1-1b Gian: Hey, wait…!  Let him talk—!

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Max: G-Guah!!  …Ee…

The blade scrapes roughly against the man’s throat, splitting it open.  Air leaks out through the mouth, through the throat, with fresh blood jetting out like a ruptured fire hydrant.

giuliodaivan2-4-2 Giulio: …Heh … haha…  Haa…
giandaivanu4-5-2 Gian: Ungh…

Here comes the nausea…

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giuliodaivan2-2-2 Giulio: Haa … huuh…  …Ah.  Signor … Gian…

Giulio’s eyes slide over, staring at me.  The color, the madness blazing within, makes me step back.

…He’s gonna kill me.  …The thought seriously goes through my mind.


Giulio: …What is … the matter…?

The color of blood staining the ground and the madness disappears from the eyes looking at me.

giandaivanu2-8-2 Gian: ‘What’…?  Why’d you go and whack him?  We could’ve made him talk…

Giulio: …The order … was to kill … everyone…

I can’t find the words…  Speechless, that’s what it is.  One of the corpses covered in bloody mud at our feet groans.  Starts crawling.


GD Soldier 4: G-ghngh … Uah…! Hah!  Hee…!!

It’s the kid I’d smacked.  He drags himself through the blood and grime, slithering like a bug or a toad, trying to get away from us.

Just when I catch onto what’s happening … Giulio’s left hand’d already grabbed the ax – the adze that’d been in hand of that Max-guy…

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giandaivanu4-2-2 Gian: Ah!  …You idiot…

Even I start getting annoyed and glare at Giulio.

giandaivanu2-8-2 Gian: Why…  Why’d … you even have to off the kid, too?!
giuliodaivan2-5-2 Giulio: …It was … the order…  Grandfather … had said, ‘Kill them.’
giandaivanu4-3-2 Gian: …!!  Still…!!

‘So you won’t listen to my orders?!’ … was what I was about to say when I swallow the words.  …Are they words I can really say as I am now?


And … suddenly, I notice…

giandaivanu3-1-1b Gian: H-Hey…?!


Giulio brings up his hand and knife, gleaming with blood, holding them out under the sun…  His tongue catches a drop of red dripping off.  …Like an awkward kiss, he brings it to the blood coating the knife…

…and licks.  Puts the blade between his lips.

giuliodaivan2-4-2 Giulio: …Mm…  Huu, hah … hah…

Chuffling, like breaths leaking out.  I’ve seen Giulio’s smile, his awkward smile countless time, but…

…This is the first time I’ve heard him laugh…

giandaivanu4-2-2 Gian: …Giulio…!  …Hey!  What’re you—?!
giuliodaivan2-2-4 Giulio: …Gh…  Aah … haa…
giandaivanu3-1-1b Gian: …H-Hey…!

Giulio doesn’t see me.  It’s true his eyes and face’re turned this way … but his pitch black eyes don’t see me.

giuliodaivan2-6-4 Giulio: Haah … haa, heh…  Haa….

Giulio laps at the blood soiling his knife and leather glove…  No, he … savors it…  I push down the desire to run far, far away, and instead…

giandaivanu3-4-1b Gian: H—!  …Hey!  Giulio!

I snatch Giulio’s hand a bit roughly and wrench him over to face me.  Giulio’s face and eyes tremble violently, sway…


Giulio: …Ah…  Oh … Signor … Gian…

Focusing on me, the madness again snuffs out of Giulio’s eyes … and is replaced by something akin to fear.

giandaivanu2-8-1 Gian: Why’re you…?!  …Blood?!  That’s just…!

Giulio: …A-Am…  Am…

Giulio’s eyes are like glass marbles.

giuliodaivan2-1-2 Giulio: …I dirty…?
giandaivanu4-2-1 Gian: …





Gian: Stop it with that…!


I grasp Giulio’s hand.  My hand’s dirty with blood now, too, but still, I give him a strong shake.

Giulio: …Signor Gia—

The glass marbles waver and emotion, like a liquid, drains back into them.


…Emotions of fear and anxiety.

giuliodaivan2-1-2 Giulio: A-Am I … dirty…?

…At first, I don’t understand what he’s saying.  …Because he’s got blood on him?  Or because he’s licking the blood?  …Or…

giandaivanu2-8-2 Gian: You’re not dirty or anything…

I just noticed.  The only places Giulio’s got blood on him … are his hand, knife, and lips.  And also the bottom of his shoes.

There’s no blood splatter on him at all.  The same goes for me.  My clothes are spick-span clean … even though so much blood’d been flying about everywhere…

Did Giulio calculate the whole thing at the speed the whole slaughter’d gone…?  And make it so no blood got on me either?  …It’s getting harder and harder to believe…

giandaivanu2-11-2 Gian: B-…  But … something’s a bit off with licking blood, I think.
giuliodaivan2-3-2b Giulio: …My … a- … -polo- … -gies…  I…
giandaivanu4-2-2 Gian: Why do you … that?
giuliodaivan2-3-2b Giulio: It is … strange, is it…?  Seeing this…  I become … wrong…

Giulio’s voice falls silent, like it and his body have just about almost vanished into the bloody swamp.  I take a deep breath to calm down … and choke on the scent of blood.

giandaivanu3-9-2 Gian: Just … look at ‘em!  They’re no-good thugs!  They’re no illicit maiden virgin love affair Dracula’d whisked away!
giuliodaivan4-2-2c Giulio: …But … the blood … is the same…

Off-kilter again…

giandaivanu2-4-2b Gian: I mean, guys like them, they might have some disease or something!  You get sick from licking their blood, that’s not even funny!
giuliodaivan5-4-2b Giulio: …I understand…
giandaivanu2-11-2 Gian: You get a sex disease as a virgin, even crying won’t fix it, got it?

Giulio stares down at the bloody muck practically burying his shoes … and pulls a handkerchief out from his pocket – a pure white one, expensive and made of silk – and dabbles it around his mouth.

As I’m thinking up ways to skedaddle from this place, his voice reaches my ears.

giuliodaivan2-5-2 Giulio: I must … be clean…
giandaivanu2-1-2b Gian: Huh?
giuliodaivan5-4-2b Giulio: If I do not … even Signor Gian … would become dirty … from staying with me…

…Hahaha, yeah, he’s twisted.  …He’s a killing machine, gets excited off corpses and blood, and yet, he’s standing there like a scolded kid…

giandaivanu2-5-2c Gian: You’re not dirty.
giuliodaivan2-1-2 Giulio: …Is … that true…?

Before I can reply, Giulio’s hand, slightly trembling and still dirt black from the dried blood clinging to the glove despite the handkerchief, stretches towards my face.


giandaivanu3-1-1b Gian: …Giulio?

I know, but my hand shudders.  He won’t hurt me.  I know, but…

It’s like having a blood-covered road roller come flying at 55mph at you and coming to a stop just inches from your face.  That’s what it feels like.

Giulio’s fingers gently catches both my cheeks, cradles them like they’re carrying a glass vase.  His hands tremble … from nervousness?  Awe?

Giulio’s anxiety-filled face and eyes approach…

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giandaivanu3-3-2c Gian: Giulio, h-hey…
giuliodaivan2-5-4 Giulio: Mm, haa…
giandaivanu4-7-4 Gian: …Nngh … mm, uh…

A direct but slow kiss, gentle as kneeling before a statue of the Holy Mother, seals my mouth.  …Here, in the middle of the sea of bodies, a festival of red.


…I’d expected to taste blood, but I don’t.

…A chill, then warm lips…

giuliodaivan5-4-4 Giulio: Ah … haa…  Signor Gian…


Giulio’s face and hands leave me, moves away in the same trajectory, with the same speed, the same movements with which they’d come.  I scratch my hair a bit…

giuliodaivanu2-11-4 Gian: …Jeez, that was sudden…
giandaivanu2-9-2 Gian: Let’s get going.  I’ve gotta make a call to Bernardo somewhere…


Giulio: …Let us leave across there, from where they had come.


Giulio and I weave around the bodies, avoiding them…

Suddenly, my eyes stop on one of the corpses lying prostrate on the ground.  That’s…  If I remember right, that’s the boss, Max or something.  His body’s…

There’s something sticking out of the back pockets of its crimson-stained chino pants.  A wallet and … some kind of memo…?

giuliodaivan1-3-1b Giulio: …What is it?
giandaivanu2-5-2c Gian: Might be something useful.  Maybe some super GD secret?  …Probably not.

I quickly stuff the memo into my own pocket.  Giulio and I take off, dashing out of the alley with the warehouse.


<< Back to Chapter 9 – Complications Rising

Onto Chapter 9 – Failure>>

31 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. icassop
    Jan 01, 2013 @ 07:02:43

    A correction:
    Giuio seizes the man’s bangs
    -> Giulio

    Also, that kiss is hawt. Y NO PIC?! щ(`Д´щ)



  2. Britches
    Jan 01, 2013 @ 09:39:01

    “Steam wafts up from the sewers dotted here and there all along the ground that’s eternally soaked with puddles of sewage, polluting the air that’s already murky on the best of days.”

    … this sentence will haunt me in my dreams, thank you, Terra (you know why!).

    “I almost stop my feet and say something, but just barely I catch myself and continue onward without a hitch.”

    The absolute worst is what that is; someone telling you ‘Don’t look now, but…’ is the most sure-fire way to get you to fuck up everything.

    “Gian: …Is it GD?”

    …. I have a really dire urge to say something immensely unintelligent and sarcastic here, (‘No, it’s ___, d’uh’) but none of the characters that immediately came to mind are even remotely funny once you’ve hit first grade, so I’ll refrain.

    “Today, I’d brought this baby. I pet the steel of the pistol jammed into my belt, the one I’d practically forgotten about, and rein in my jumpiness.”

    To be quite honest, the thought of Gian with a firearm upsets me. He has skill enough to shoot his own foot and luck enough not to, but that’s about the extent of it. Thank the heavens it’s not loaded.

    “…And in its place, gleaming rabidness. The Mad Dog…”

    Ya know, can we forever remember this as Gian’s cue to GTFO and hide under any other CR:5 member’s desk until they take pity on him and employ him with something more suitable for his health?
    He recognized this. His sheer foolhardiness is to blame for absolutely every ounce of misfortune that may befall him in the future, and that’s my final verdict. No pity party for you from my end, when this comes back around to bite you in the ass, harr harr, Gian.

    “…Usually, this’d be a completely hopeless situation, but… I shoot a glance at Giulio. His face is calm, like he’s listening to a record…”

    Yeah. A record of the screaming of the lambs in their death throws. He would ❤ that.

    “GD Soldier 1: Shaddap! …Huh? …Boss! This wop’s not packing!!
    The young hoodlum checking Giulio raises his voice. …? He didn’t find the knife?”

    ……..but seriously, where the FUCK does he keep his fucking armory?????????

    “GD Soldier 3: Were ya lookin’ for someplace to jerk each other off, kiddo?”

    Tsk, if only I’d be so lucky.

    “…Huh? …The one who’d given us the orders here … was the Bondone old man. …The fuck’s going on here?!
    How’d that grandpa know about them if they’d just got here…?!”

    Good Gian, getting warmer. Keep going.

    “Max: B-Bastard! Ya wanna die?!”

    Oh, biiig mistake, sonny-boy. Farewell, Max, it’s been a very brief pleasure.

    “The stupidly bullish musclehead shoves aside the other thugs and stretches an arm towards me. An instant later … something flashes across my vision.”

    No touching the merchandise.

    “Giulio: …Do not run. More…”

    Which is where our widdle bby boo turns into one scary-ass horror movie villain who takes LITERALLY CHILDLIKE pleasure in murder. Ah, sweet Giulio.
    /part one of review



    • Britches
      Jan 01, 2013 @ 10:02:00

      “…Giulio… When? How did he do that…?”

      I’m putting this down under PROOF on my Giulio-is-a-sorcerer petition.

      “…Giulio’s moved. He’s fast, but it’s not that I couldn’t see him. …I did see it. Just, by the time I’d noticed it was all over.”

      Gian, pay fucking attention okay.

      “The brat who’d snitched my gun points the muzzle up towards me … but pulling the trigger only causes an empty clack clack. Well, of course it would. I hadn’t loaded the gun yet.”

      …Gian I will MURDER you. /throttles

      “And … it’s over. …I’d only managed to pathetically knock out one. …The other seven are bodies stretched out in the dirt.”

      …. Gian. You suck.

      “Max: G-Guah!! …Ee…”

      Oh Max. You’ve grown on me like fungus. May Ragdcliffe have you rest in pieces. /touches face

      “Here comes the nausea…”

      Refreshingly realistic.

      “Gian: Ah! …You idiot…
      Even I start getting annoyed and glare at Giulio.
      Gian: Why… Why’d … you even have to off the kid, too?!
      Giulio: …It was … the order… Grandfather … had said, ‘Kill them.’”

      Well, bad puppy, bad. /smacks nose

      “Giulio laps at the blood soiling his knife and leather glove… No, he … savors it… I push down the desire to run far, far away, and instead…”

      He better buys the kid a capri sun.

      “Giulio: …A-Am… Am…
      Giulio’s eyes are like glass marbles.
      Giulio: …I dirty…?”

      Giulio used hideously innocent and heart-wrenchingly pitiful tone of voice! It’s very effective! Britches fainted!

      “Gian: Just … look at ‘em! They’re no-good thugs! They’re no illicit maiden virgin love affair Dracula’d whisked away!
      Giulio: …But … the blood … is the same…”

      And I think we already have a winner for 2013’s Missing-the-point-award!

      “…Hahaha, yeah, he’s twisted. …He’s a killing machine, gets excited off corpses and blood, and yet, he’s standing there like a scolded kid…”

      Yeah. And you scold him like a mother hen. Look at you life. Look at your choices.

      “Giulio’s face and hands leave me, moves away in the same trajectory, with the same speed, the same movements with which they’d come. I scratch my hair a bit…”

      This description actually freaked me out a bit. He’s weird, roundabout inhuman.
      A great character, no matter how you look at it.

      Thank you very much as always for the hard work Terra, the screenshots are perfect, and I know how much trouble they were so – well done. Great job. And a Happy New Year! °u°



      • terracannon876
        Jan 01, 2013 @ 10:47:21

        Perfect reading for the car =D. Thank you.

        Oh don’t be hard on Gian’s life choices. After all, the payoff will be wonderful. =3



      • Tania Charles
        Jan 04, 2013 @ 19:16:07

        So you hate Gian?



      • Britches
        Jan 04, 2013 @ 20:12:35

        What? Hahahaha, not even a little bit. I believe in tough love though. And me getting a bit angry at some of his particularly unhelpful choices in regards to his continued survival shows just how much I care. At least, I think it should.



      • Britches
        Jan 04, 2013 @ 20:17:57

        Besides, I like characters that cannot be idolized because they have a great many and human faults. The more flawed they are, the more realistic they become and the more fleshed out they seem. Doesn’t mean I don’t take joy in pointing out all these imperfections and being a dick about it. c:



    • terracannon876
      Jan 01, 2013 @ 10:49:20

      Frankly, I don’t remember why XD. I complained and whined so much last night I lost track of what I said.

      Gian with a gun isn’t that bad. I mean, Luchi’s route!!



  3. tuesday
    Jan 02, 2013 @ 03:17:27

    man i don’t like going “that was hot” but … it was! giulio’s going all ハァハァ over the blood and licking it off, followed by the gentle kiss (which rather delightfully contrasted with the brutality of the killings just before). very well done!

    as always, thank you for your translations and hope you had a wonderful new year 🙂



  4. Michy
    Jan 02, 2013 @ 15:41:39

    All I’ma say is the creators missed out on a good chance to do a crazy!Giulio cg here. I don’t doubt there will be some, especially with his bad ending, but it would’ve been intersting to see.



  5. pokkihime
    Jan 03, 2013 @ 15:01:18

    “Boss! This wop’s not packing!!
    The young hoodlum checking Giulio raises his voice. …? He didn’t find the knife?”..(guess everybody’s wondering by now… – but really, – where the hell do you keep that knife, Giulio?!!)…or these wannabe GD-gangsters are just too stupid to search them properly..)

    ..and about that ..”Were ya lookin’ for someplace to jerk each other off, kiddo?” – line.. – (I know, you weren’t probably thinking at all but about provoking them when you said that..BUT – Have a proper look at them.. – tailor-made suits, leather gloves.. -OK, you didn’t see the hotel room they are staying at, but.. – do they really look like they couldn’t find a better place to do that? (if they had intended to)… – That’s why you GD soldiers are no good… – No eye for details.. XDD

    Etc.etc… there are some other lines I’d love to comment on, but I’ll restrain the (bigger) X-rated part of my mind for now.. (for the public good) XP




  6. Zora
    Jan 03, 2013 @ 17:01:05

    Every time I see an update, I literally jump in giddiness.
    This update was AMAZINGLY awesome!
    I gotta say though, I wa thinking about where Giulio could hide his knife and I was thinking maybe in his mouth… But that doesn’t make sense lol
    Can wait for the next update~



  7. sn0wx
    Jan 06, 2013 @ 04:38:23

    Awhhh yeah, as soon as I got back from Las Vegas, I see these lovely updates. Umf umf, love how it’s going so far. I have no idea what kind of relationship Guilio had with his grandpa but by the gist of it, very unpleasant eh? When he said “am I dirty?” It made me want to squish-squeeze him despite the creepy switch of his madness.
    \(;A; )/
    *gets stabbed*

    Any who, hope you had a great holiday and new years :D. ❤



  8. Michy
    Jan 06, 2013 @ 22:34:28

    Darn it I finally caught up with the translations!

    Maybe I’ll just scroll through the route and try to figure out what’s going on using my 0.5% knowledge of Japanese. :p

    Giulio’s grandpa was creepy af ok, ok.

    And I feel like there’s some sort of irony(?) here where just a chapter or so ago Gian is like, “HohohOHO MAN YOU LIKES DUDE DON’T YOU.” and then this chapter when Giulio kisses him he’s just all, “….Well then.”

    I can’t help but think somewhere inside his head he’s acting sorta like Ivan in his whole “I AM NOT A HOMO” phase.



    • Britches
      Jan 08, 2013 @ 09:59:10

      You could always use a texthooker program and translation software to assist your playthrough, I’d only recommend copying units of meaning and have the programs at it rather than feeding them the whole sentence. It’s easier to make sense of a number of contextless adverbs, verbs and nouns than the mess these programs make of it. c:

      And I love everything you took from Gian’s interactions with Giulio. Gian has a lot less energy and willpower to get so upset about das gay, but it’s definitely something he hasn’t even considered, ever, so he’s like haha, yeah, funny stuff, eh, oh, what, ehm, wait, could you get your hand out of my briefs, please, what do you mean no, tsk, well then a little more to the left please kthx. Leaf in the wind, that guy.



      • Michy
        Jan 09, 2013 @ 00:56:58

        I’ve heard of those but for some reason I’d rather torture myself and wait for English patches and translations than download it. Thank you for the recommendation though! Besides, I’m slowly and steadily teaching myself/learning Japanese so what better to use for practice than untranslated visual novels? =w=b

        Pffft, yes that’s exactly how he is. At least from what I’ve seen so far that’s what he seems to be like. He seriously just goes with the flow sometimes I swear.

        I’ve just been scrolling through the route and I have a slightly (very slight may I remind you) idea of what’s going on. Maybe my opinion will change when I finally understand what they’re saying but right now my favorite character is still Ivan. owo Giulio….Man I don’t know what to think about him, fft. One moment he’s cool and the next I’m just like, “Oh. OK then. Yeah.”



        • terracannon876
          Jan 10, 2013 @ 12:22:28

          Giulio is easily the most bipolar of routes, going from cavity-sweet to disturbing in a split second, back and forth like a pendulum. Once you understand more of him, though… ^^;



  9. Tania Charles
    Jan 08, 2013 @ 19:04:58

    Thank you so much for this! Waiting for the next part!



  10. Byungwha
    Aug 06, 2013 @ 22:59:32

    I wish they did a cg of when Giulio kisses Gian. … it strange that I find the idea of being surrounded by corpses and blood during a gentle kiss rather romantic……?



  11. Eira Luna
    Apr 12, 2014 @ 14:16:56

    A direct but slow kiss, gentle as kneeling before a statue of the Holy Mother, seals my mouth. …Here, in the middle of the sea of bodies, a festival of red.

    Literary mean..kissing gently in the middle…fresh corpses. But that phrase make this scene able to ascend into such intimate kiss //// *auhhh to much dose*
    But chapter is so awesome. That cg when Giulio kill 3 men is so cool..the pose is so badass



    • terracannon876
      Apr 24, 2014 @ 18:41:01

      Haha, I’m glad you like the writing. I generally try to base my translation off the feel of the scene as well as the original words (because translations can be as literal as you want them to be, but that also means they can be very dry). In this case, despite the horror, it’s a somewhat reverent scene because of Gian’s acceptance. …But in this case, I can’t take the credit. The “Holy Mother” bit was also in the original text XD

      Glad you liked the scene!



  12. Lehst
    Nov 17, 2018 @ 12:34:30

    a reply to an ancient conversation, but yeah where did Giulio hide the knife?
    I wonder if he nimbly and subtly moved it around when he was being frisked. he’d make a good magician.



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