Lucky Dog 1 translations 11 Ivan route 08 best

Part 3: Daivan

Chapter 11

As Long as the Sun and Moon Shall Endure

Doctor: …Yes.  It’s likely he won’t regain consciousness…  …As per Superintendent Fiore’s will, we won’t…  …By law, the life support…

Director 1: …I understand.  Until the Board reaches a conclusion…  …The issue of his successor … problematic…  …We’ll have to deal with it before the Finance department catches scent of this…

Director 2: …The superintendent doesn’t have a single relative…  …His will stated that he would rather not have a funeral…

Director 1: …We can’t.  It would be a shame on Senator Salto’s name…  …However … to think, even the beast of the whole twentieth century can’t win against old age…

… … … … …


…I see…  I’m going to die…  …I’m finally … going to die…?  …I’ve always…

…been waiting for this time…

…Everyone passed before me…  Some died peacefully on their beds…  …Others died rolling in the gutters…

…and before I knew it, I was the last one left…  …Decrepit and hideous with age, body completely withered away.  …The only things left to me are a worthless company and worthless money…

…Even now…


…see those days, constantly, in the darkness of my mind.

…The war cry of the Mercedes’ supercharger.  …Her rocket-like speed.

…And there, beside me … sat that man.

…In the eternity of that instant, we were… …As long as the sun and the moon shall endure, we will always be…

Ivan: …I … once had a pal…

Ivan: …I still have one, even now…


“…Ivan.  Hey, Ivan…!”

<< Back to Chapter 11 – A Bright Future

Onto Ivan Best Route Credits >>

Thank you for reading! 

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71 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Li
    Jul 17, 2012 @ 12:55:15

    D’awww. I bet Gian’s waiting for him. And perhaps Rosalia too. Maybe the full group’s waiting even.



  2. tuesday
    Jul 18, 2012 @ 16:53:56

    I-I’m so confused. What exactly happened? So Gian passed away in the previous installment, and now, years later, Ivan’s dying…? This is the best end?



    • terracannon876
      Jul 18, 2012 @ 16:58:43

      The best end is a bittersweet ending that Gian and Ivan live happily after, but no one’s immortal so Gian died before Ivan of whatever and Ivan’s the last man standing of the CR:5 before he too finally passes, where Gian is waiting for him.

      The creators came up with the character for Ivan starting from this scene and worked backwards, which is why it may seem out of place to us.



      • Sumi
        Jan 05, 2015 @ 19:02:59

        You know how the creators came up with the character for Ivan? Lucky, where did you get your insider information from? Is this the fortune of someone being able to speak Japanese and reading interviews and the like? ( * — * )

        If you know more, would it be possible for you to open a section where you write some “good to know” information down? Small things like that info there.



  3. Rei
    Jul 20, 2012 @ 03:10:34

    GYYYYAAAA–!!!!! NOOOOOO!! >..<
    *still screaming*



  4. Rei
    Jul 20, 2012 @ 03:17:28

    I think that Ivan is dreaming for on his ‘death bed’ ’cause at the last there is [“…Ivan. Hey, Ivan…!”] like calling him to wake up >.<
    *crying while screaming*



    • terracannon876
      Jul 20, 2012 @ 08:30:18

      Hello! Thanks for commenting =)

      I guess the toss-up is between whether you believe in the afterlife or if Ivan’s just hallucinating. But you’re right, that line is Gian “waking” Ivan up, with the way it’s said in Japanese. That got a little lost in translation ^^;

      Btw, if you don’t mind me asking, who’s in the icon? =3



  5. Katana1080
    Aug 08, 2012 @ 13:52:49

    Wow thank you for all your hard work!~ And the ending…. *digs a hole and crawls inside*

    ps I am taking a guess here but her profile pic might be Gin from Gintama



  6. Hina_Chama
    Nov 24, 2012 @ 15:28:14

    Omg i seriously cried at the end!! it was sooooo sad ;_; im weak against pure romantic relationships -cries- i love this ending ;_;



  7. chen
    Dec 16, 2012 @ 21:25:21

    just so you’ll know, I mange to get the perfect ending.
    the things I did that are not taking parts on your walkthrough are those:
    1. daiving: chapter 3. I clicked on “asking someone” – leads to: “asking Ivan”.
    2. escape: chapter 6 – “defending on Bernardo” insted.
    3. daivan chapter 7 it’s “work with Ivan”.
    4. escape: chapter 4, “be worried about Bernardo”
    I think you should try to let gian show more care to Bernardo when he have the chances, cause it was king of weird to me he cept pushing him aside, thinking he’s wrong.
    ,I try so many times the way you show’d but the way I did it last is the only way I maneged.
    hope it helps



    • terracannon876
      Dec 17, 2012 @ 11:37:17

      The reason I am “mean” to Bernardo is because 1.) the walkthrough says so, and 2.) I am nice to Bernardo in the other routes. Trust me, it pained me just as much to be mean to him.

      I’m glad you got the full ending in the end, though. =)



  8. chen
    Dec 16, 2012 @ 21:26:47

    and goddd the end was saddd T_________T



  9. Lavi
    Dec 26, 2012 @ 02:50:20

    (>TT~TT)> my babies….. even though I love this ending to pieces I still cry at the end….. and then I read it again….. -addicted to Ivan’s cute Tsundere moments and Gian being the best uke alive-



  10. Lucia
    Mar 20, 2013 @ 08:31:24

    This is so sadddd…i know everyone will die…but this story about everything like flashback in Ivan’s last is so sad….he is so adorable cute, loud, tsundere, childish… the “Gian’s calling” in the end…



  11. Taiyomi
    Apr 02, 2013 @ 16:12:17

    Nice :[ I’m german and my english is…. er…. bad? not that good? xD
    now I really don’t know what happend ._. er… Ivan DIED??? DAFUQ!??!??!!!! >:'{



    • terracannon876
      Apr 02, 2013 @ 16:19:58

      Hello and thank you for your comment! Thank you for reading! =)

      As for your question, this is “present day” Ivan. Yes, he died hearing Gian’s voice because he has lived to 100ish and he’s old. The game takes place in 1930s so quite some time passed.



  12. JapanRocks
    Apr 03, 2013 @ 18:22:27

    I kinda of liked the ending 🙂 It’s sad but somehow fulfilling! Thank you so much for translating 😀



  13. maoshmao
    Apr 11, 2013 @ 12:45:25

    finished it~ yeay 🙂
    Ivan is so Tsundere but i so love it!, digging those types very much!
    and hihi, the smut scenes are hot!!
    this is so awesome~ Ivan may be the last one but hey Gian will always be waiting for him in the other world :))



  14. DeAsia
    May 04, 2013 @ 21:34:17

    NOOOOOoOOOOOOOoOOOOO:oooooO fucking stupid ass people who made this! Why the sad eniding???!!!? Noooooo
    -sobs while screaming at the peoples-



  15. DeAsia
    May 04, 2013 @ 21:41:29

    Damn………still crying….lterally i had a few tears roll down my face an my momstarted freakin out asken me why im cryin!! I hate the producers!!! Also -sigh- thanks 4 the translation…….i……think ima go…….die in a hole know……after stalking and killing the producers………only killin them after iv had my fun with there torture…….. GOD I fUCKING HATE SAD ENDINGD DaMITSTUPIDMOTHERFUCKINCOCKSUCKERASSHOLEBITCHASASSWIPEBItCH PRODUCERS!!!!!!.,



  16. belcross
    May 07, 2013 @ 20:43:28

    After playing the route, enjoying thet idiotism of the two they give us an ending like this It’s heart breaking! Long Live CR-5!!



  17. Trin
    May 22, 2013 @ 09:44:19

    This is my favourite ending, the translations are amazing and the amvs of them are heartbreaking. Thank you so much.



  18. A Nonny Mouse
    Aug 06, 2013 @ 03:34:34

    Ahh, thank you so much for the translations! I never thought I’d read it since a translation is different from playing a game, but I’m surprisingly satisfied. I’m pleased with how you included options (even if not everything is translated–it still felt nice seeing something resembling a user interface, pfft) and included pictures. *u*



  19. Lisa
    Mar 04, 2014 @ 00:09:58

    This hit me so hard in the feels I don’t know what to do with myself. Good grief.



  20. Lisa
    Mar 04, 2014 @ 00:29:02

    Yes I am but it hurt! Ohhh it hurt!!



  21. Katerina Flo
    Mar 23, 2014 @ 12:13:40

    Oh god!!! A tear falls! That’s so cute and sad at the same time!



  22. Joey
    Apr 28, 2014 @ 06:04:31

    This is so sad!!! I can’t stand this kind of ending even it’s bittersweet. It’s so cruel. QAQ



  23. Sammy
    Jul 02, 2014 @ 05:05:38

    just wondering, but i can’t seem to get the 6th event of Ivan’s. is it a bad end scene? just seemed a bit weird since i got all of Giulio’s events following the best ending route. u wu



  24. Niltiva
    Jul 07, 2014 @ 05:45:03

    In the previous chapter, Ivan said that he’ll kill Gian if Gian dies before him. THEN THIS BLOODY HAPPENS

    Gian does make Ivan feel comfortable that he could peacefully sleep. And this time… this time Gian wakes him up _(QwQ

    Stay happy together in the heaven reeking of oil you cute idiotic shits. Do all the perverted crap in there in your youthful forms

    Ah, how did Gian died though? Was it not revealed or did it appear in another game? If it did appeared in another game, please don’t tell me how it went yet 030



  25. Cornette
    Oct 22, 2014 @ 00:53:05

    Gosh, I remember reading a summarized version of this game back. I had played the game prior but I cant read Japanese and hence had no inkling on what they are saying.

    When I read the summary this route, it made me cry like a baby. I got the normal ending in the game so I didn’t know there was a ‘best ending’. I did not know that the old man was Ivan and I was devastated when I read the best ending that they are only “pals” which I interpreted as Ivan and Gian never ending up together and Ivan got “friendzoned”. I came to realized that not every romantic relationships have a happy ending and that open relationships can be meaningful. Ever since then I write fics that has two characters who loved each other but did not end up together. Thanks Tennenouji!



  26. Sumi
    Jan 05, 2015 @ 19:17:45

    In Part 3: Daivan Chapter 7 Best “Another Side to Ivan”, Ivan says the following:

    Ivan: …There’s…
    Ivan: …There’s something I have to have … before I die…
    Ivan: …There’s just that … one thing…
    Ivan: …There’s…

    You vaguely answered in the commenet section that it has to do with the big climax, where Ivan holds Gian’s hand while they’re in the car and the last scene. In other words what he wants to say before he dies is that Gian is all he needs to be happy? And something about the pal thing maybe?

    I would be very thankful to you if you could tell me what exactly Ivan meant by his words, I can only kind of get an idea but it’s not very clear. ( ; . ; )



    • terracannon876
      Jan 05, 2015 @ 19:19:24

      The one thing Ivan has searched for in his entire life is someone he can trust with his life. A partner. He was sort of traumatized into paranoia by his former trusted friend turning on him, and he never thought he’d have it again, and he’d sort of given up hope on it. But with Gian, he sees hope in finding it again.



  27. Sumi
    Jan 05, 2015 @ 19:34:49

    You know, in Naruto there’s this moment in chapter 687/688 where Obito, who is now an adult that is about to die and Rin, who died long ago, reuinite in the other world (=heaven) in their youthful forms and that exact moment is totally missing here!
    I-I’m just going to imagine Gian with his stupidly wide smiling face pat the angry looking Ivan on his shoulder as they look at each other while walking towards the light, having their arguments with no one backing down. Like old times. -sob, sob-



  28. Sumi
    Jan 05, 2015 @ 19:39:40

    Wait, I just read your reply to another comment of mine. So the last white picture is a placeholder for a actual picture?!
    …The one where happy Gian jumps happy Ivan fromt he back maybe?



    • terracannon876
      Jan 05, 2015 @ 19:46:00

      Oh, no no no. If you read the place that elevator kiss actually happens in the game, there is a white picture there. That’s where the elevator kiss took place, but I used a white picture. The white picture here is just … white. You’ll have to use your imagination ^^;



    • terracannon876
      Jan 05, 2015 @ 19:47:56

      To clarify, each route has one picture that I don’t post. You only get this image in the Best Route/ending. For Ivan, it’s the elevator kiss. Giulio, the church scene. Bernardo, them on a bridge. Luchino, them in a graveyard. All other images are as shown.



  29. Sumi
    Jan 05, 2015 @ 19:45:25

    If this is the final picture than my heart will feel sooo relieved and calm again. This is a happy ending then. Bittersweet and happy.

    But then I would have to wonder how I’m supposed to interpret it? As their afterlife and the next scene after Ivan passed on or is this simply a picture that is simply shown at the end and doesn’t have to do with Ivan’s departure but shows what their life was like before?



  30. Sumi
    Jan 05, 2015 @ 19:47:23

    Sorry for talking to myself so much, I’m just really full of all these feels.



  31. CharleyChar
    May 06, 2015 @ 08:00:16

    Why must my favourite characters have the saddest endings T^T
    My heart can’t take it T°T



  32. Luminosity
    Sep 13, 2015 @ 09:13:33

    I’m uncertain what to feel now. Finish the VN and part of me feels empty like when you finish a good book and cant help but feel sort of helplessly blank. But another part feel so fucking good and pleased (why didn’t I found this earlier?!) I enjoyed the ride so thank you so much dear for taking the time to translate this.

    Even with all the dub-con/non-con scene I found it enjoyable not as in enjoying it. I found it refreshing that they try making it believable at least in my opinion you cant make a VN without it being a bit fictional.

    But seriously though the VA is.. amazing.. I cant imagine what my reaction would be.. if it were me.. Nope not going that territory.. And Especially Ivan with all the shouting in his dialogue oh god even I found my throat dry by just hearing it xD and I cant imagine what the other went through with all the R18 scene especially Gian VA props to the dude.

    And of course every good things had to end and glad I found this game and your translation. Seriously 凄い~ and Thanks for your recommendation! I’m looking at steins gate and togainu no chi sound interesting *.*

    Also Ivan best ending really feels like its a perfect route to end the game I feel his ending could fit in all the other route perfectly. Its vague enough it could even fit in the manga ne? Also *spoilers?*

    Those ending the ‘After’ bits in my head at least. Methodically arranged would be




    Not sure at those to arrangements yet since I have a very vague understanding of Bernie and Luchino ends xD Oh god sorry for the long comments must be boring you to death to read it xD



    • terracannon876
      Sep 13, 2015 @ 12:28:06

      I’m glad you enjoyed reading 🙂 I’m still in the midst of working on Bernardo (and have been for the past year… School makes you reeeeal busy 😦 ) so … I’m sorry I couldn’t finish it in time for you to finish with Ivan’s route 😦

      Speaking of manga, have you read Lucky Dog Blast? There’s a site that’s doing scanslations on it atm and has reached the end of Part 2. It provides some interesting alternative outlooks of the tone and some of the events in LD.

      I’m not sure what you meant by the ending arrangements, though ^^; Sorry.

      But, glad you finished! Hope to see you back here soon o_o;



  33. Gorogoro
    Oct 03, 2015 @ 02:01:20

    Ohmygosh, thankyouthankyouthankyou for the wonderful translations! I can’t even imagine the amount of time and effort this takes. And you do this while in school?! Geh.

    But this game is so amazing! I can’t believe it took me so long to finally play it (I only gave it a try after coming across your website… my Japanese sucks). Now I’m totally addicted. Tennenouji just got a lot of my money from my recent crazy shopping spree for any Lucky Dog stuff I can find (I can’t wait to finish the other routes so I can listen to the rest of my drama cds… luv those VAs).

    Ivan’s ending is so bittersweet and moving. I just finished this particular ending and my eyes are still watery and my heart still aches. Brilliant game, and your translation really does do it justice.

    Thanks again for all of your hard work and best of luck with school!



  34. LukeHemmings1996
    Dec 03, 2015 @ 00:29:53

    That “Ivan. Hey, Ivan…!” thing…. I’m just going to assume that that’s Gian’s loving call to greet Ivan’s arrival on Heaven, where they’re going to stick together happily for eternity. Jack and Rose from Titanic-style. ❤

    Thanks for all of your hard work… I'm going to be frank, i came here with an intention only to check out the NSFW scenes (damn hot.)… But dang, the producers actually made some good character development throughout this VN's story, i can sense that just from reading Gian x Ivan's NSFW chapters (and a couple other non-sexual chapters that include kissing, love it. Tsunderes are awesome.) A shame that i can't play the game now, 1.16 GB is too much for my downloading capability at the moment.. So thanks for letting me have some steamy sneak peek! I'm looking forward to actually play this game sometimes soon, so i can read the whole complete story besides the steamy scenes, Lmao!

    I'm going to check out the other routes now… You can expect to see more comments coming with my username after this, i'm going to knock myself out! Lol. Cheers!

    – A straight 22-years-old guy with a mysterious BL fetish –



    • terracannon876
      Dec 03, 2015 @ 00:35:08

      OK, that last bit made me crack up. What you mentioned was always what I had liked about LD. It’s a BL game, of course, but it had so much more characterization and better writing than is usual for the genre. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy whatever else you read here 🙂



      • LukeHemmings1996
        Dec 03, 2015 @ 02:02:50

        Whoa that was some lightning speed reply, are you a mighty guardian living on the internet or something??? Lmao. And yes, that was exactly what i was talking about, characterizations and writing on stories are gold.. And they don’t always come by. Great game.

        Oh and by the way while we’re at it, could you please suggest me some other BL games that you personally like as well? I’ve been into Visual Novels lately (it all started from my mysterious newly-found obsession for the Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side series, those cute date-able boys… *manly drool* i have too much time on my hand. damnit) so i would appreciate it if you could kindly give me some recommendation for awesome BL titles.. Nah, forget it; ANY kind of Visual Novels that you ever find intriguing. Judging from your work in this site, i think you have quite the awesome taste.. I would love to hear your opinion. 😉 Thanks for replying, by the way. I appreciate it lots. 🙂



        • terracannon876
          Dec 03, 2015 @ 02:16:34

          I’m a bit of an oldie when it comes to visual novel nowadays, since I mostly looked at them a few years ago (around when LD was fairly new too). Unfortunately I don’t know which new titles are good. Another thing is that a lot of visual novels aren’t on PC, but on PSP or some such, so you’ll have to find them somehow ^^; Though, more and more are getting released in English…

          So, for BL, I suggest any of the Nitro+Chiral games. They’re big name classics, so you’ve probably heard of them before. Togainu no Chi (which was my second BL visnov ever; LD was the first) and Lamento are my favorites, but Sweet Pool I heard is really good. I … have issues with Dramatical Murder, but it’s not (too?) bad. Those at least have patches. For games that don’t have patches, I’d recommend Shingakkou, Messiah, Kamisama, Sis-Nis-Kanto, and probably Kichiku Megane (for more raunchy stuff). I also heard Cage is really good, and Miracle Not-on, which is an old tennenouji game, is pretty funny and cute. Oh. And if you don’t mind fanmade games and you know Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn, Altor is a really great game. I really liked Sukisyo, which is really old by now lol, and Silver Chaos (and its sequel) is pretty standard for it’s genre but it’s not bad either. I really enjoyed Taishou Mebiusline, too, and Daylight is pretty amazing (but no smut). I’m probably missing some games, but those are the ones off the top of my head.

          For Otome, I highly recommend Uta no Prince-sama and possibly Kamigami no Asobi, but the two aren’t in English and are on PSP to boot. Not to mention, if you want to look into them, I really do NOT recommend the anime ^^; There’s also this odd game called Kuro to Gin no Akanai Kagi I grew to like recently.

          For het or gen, I recommend any of the numbered series – Ever17 (actually in English), Remember11 (has a patch maybe?), 12Riven… I highly recommend Kara no Shoujo (in English, too) and you can give Give My Heart Wings, Clannad, Hatoful Boyfriend (though this one is more of “crack taken seriously” than anything else), and … what else has been on Steam… I think Yume Miru Kusuri is in English, too. There are some on DS like Hotel Dusk and Last Window that I like, and for het … well, the first visnov I actually payed was Bible Black… It’s a bit screwed up and very explicit, but it’s not bad as far as het visnovs go (though that bar is pretty low, admittedly). Any of the Nasu games are good, such as Tsukihime or Fate/Stay Night.

          …That was probably more than you ever wanted to know 😛



          • LukeHemmings1996
            Dec 03, 2015 @ 02:35:17

            Haha NOPE Terra, that was exactly what i need. I’ve been matching your recommendations with this visual novel database site i accidentally (and luckily) found on the internet and at last, i know which titles from the batch are worth checking out and most importantly, download. Thanks to you. 😉

            You’ve been grand, thank you once again! By the way, now i feel stupid asking you this question while you actually wrote all these awesome games/films/series you’ve been taking an interest in all your life in your “About” page. Sorry about that. *innocent puppy face*. Haha, i guess i will be visiting your site a lot for a while, cos’ your site is awesome. Keep up the good work! Love ya man!!

            P.S. Serge from CC is my spirit animal.



            • terracannon876
              Dec 03, 2015 @ 02:39:33

              …Oh wow, I completely forgot I’d written all of that. I actually had to look up the About page myself to see what you were talking about XD Most people don’t even acknowledge Chrono Cross, preferring Chrono Trigger instead, but I always liked the look of the game and the music… Gah ❤ And I don't even know what I like so much about Serge, considering he doesn't make a single peep, but I just really liked playing as him in the game.



              • LukeHemmings1996
                Dec 03, 2015 @ 02:48:02

                Don’t get me started on CC musics, man. CC’s soundtracks are, i don’t know how to express it properly, LIFE. Simply masterpieces. Even until this day i still play CC only to get into those atmosphere again. And yeah… Serge is somewhat awesome, but you just can’t explain it. He’s just… awesome.

                Haha… I guess we have quite some stuff in common. I like you, man. Hope we can be friends. Have a twitter?



                • terracannon876
                  Dec 03, 2015 @ 02:50:51

                  *points at screenname 😛

                  Actually, I find it rather convenient that I share screennames over almost every platform I use, but I’ve since learned that most people don’t do that (for security reasons, among others). But yeah, if you want to see if I use some service or another, trying my screenname (terracannon876) will get an answer quick.



  35. Lanxin
    Apr 01, 2016 @ 23:38:42

    To be honest, I am actually very happy with this ending, knowing that Ivan (and hopefully many of the others) died at a happy old age. I had always feared that, since this story takes place in the 1930s, the CR:5 would crash due to Italy’s defeat in WWII and everyone would die before they hit 40. D:



  36. Lanxin
    Apr 02, 2016 @ 00:16:53

    Btw, I am wondering if anyone knows how old Gian actually was when he passed away before Ivan? I saw on some chinese forum that he was only in his 30s (for which my WWII fear may actually come true). OwO That would be very sad…



    • terracannon876
      Apr 02, 2016 @ 00:18:54

      I was debating whether to respond to your comment or not, since it’s spoilers from extra material, haha.

      Canonical death years for all the charas but Gian have been released. We don’t know how long Gian survived since his story varies per route (according to the material), and in every route, his story changes, and … basically, we don’t know. As for whether they all live past WWII … yeah. Let’s just say that it’s likely that when any of them die, it’s not because of something that close to the main story.



  37. maayndudkovMaayn
    Aug 06, 2016 @ 01:43:03

    I didn’t get this scene… but I did get the sex scene that only appears at the best route… did I accidently skip it?



  38. Kao
    Nov 24, 2016 @ 05:14:14

    Amazing, there’s no words for this for its awesomeness. You did an incredible job with the translation of this game, and without you I wouldn’t be crying like a stupid now x’D. I always loved tsunderes guys, so I decided to follow this rute and this is the best couple ever of all the capos.
    The only thing that I have to mention is that my native language is Spanish, and the english of this game was very difficult specially when Gian describes something, I have to admit it, althought it will work for me to learn more of this amazing language!
    Greetings from Argentina, and thank you forever, thank you very much!!!

    Always Ivan x Gian ❤



  39. Opal Hosey
    Mar 09, 2017 @ 14:18:45

    This has got to be the most poetic and beautiful ending I have ever seen. I bawling my eyes out. Bravo!



  40. Kay
    Jul 03, 2019 @ 21:18:42

    Aww that was a little sad at the end, but at least they’ll be together in the afterlife. Thanks so much for the translations!!! I’m really looking forward to playing Giulio’s route next! I have a feeling he’s going to be my favorite.



  41. wiols99
    Apr 18, 2022 @ 16:14:48

    I played this game many years ago and I didn’t understand anything because I don’t know Japanese, now I can enjoy it thanks to you, I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your translation of the game.



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