General Questions

Technical Questions

Lucky Dog 1 Questions

General Questions

Will you work on Durarara!! and Baccano! or any of the other projects you have listed?

Yes, although my priority is currently Lucky Dog 1.  I believe Baccano! will be coming up next, and then Durarara!!  I’m translating for fun, so even though other translations exist online already for some of these volumes, I’ll be starting from the start.

Can you translate this song?

I’ll be glad to.  I take song requests anytime.

Technical Questions (that no one cares about)

How do you go about translating?

I first translate the game from a script, and then I tag the script with image and music information.  The images captured via screenshot and then watermarked and resized.  During this process, I proof the script for most grammar mistakes (hopefully) and make edits to match the voices.  Finally, I upload the script with pretty HTML tags and all.  After it’s uploaded, I’ll reread the script every now and then and make more corrections.  Other readers help, too.

Lucky Dog 1 Questions

Will you be translating all of Lucky Dog 1?

Yes.  Ideally, all routes, all dialogue.

In what order will you be translating the routes?

To make it easier for me to get all the dialogue, I’ll be following a walkthrough in the Cool-B Remix Superpack!! which is 100% capture.  Thus, I’ll follow the routes in the order they’re written there.

The routes will be translated in this order: Ivan, Giulio, Bernardo, Luchino.

Where can I buy Lucky Dog 1-related stuff?

There are various stores you can buy LD1 at.  The best way to look for it would be on the SHOP page from the tennenouji main page.  Some main stores that sell the game are Animate, AliceNet, Stellaworth, Tora no Ana, ComiComi Studio, and WoGa Online Shop (which is tennenouji’s own personal store).

What are Giancarlo’s Lucky Happy Life and We Will Destroy the World for Gian! ?

There are currently two additional games to the LD1 series.  LHL is a “what-if” game, sort of a fusion between a visual novel and a board game (think Mario Party).  It covers what would’ve happened to Gian’s life had different things happened.  It also covers the “canon” route of the LD-world.

Destroy the World is a… … …I’m not sure what it is.  I’ll say a “what-if sequel,” or perhaps a completely crack gaiden.  It appears to have visual novel elements, but gameplay is based off the principles of Angry Birds.  It seems to just … be for kicks, rather than have any story value.

They both have very pretty pictures.

What is Bad Egg?

Bad Egg is an expansion pack for the main LD1 game.  It piggybacks off the original game and keeps all the original routes intact.  However, it will likely add new scenes to the routes.  It will also have a new route, featuring Gian in the GD Gang.  The advertisement shows him hanging out with Ratliffe and Bakshi.  (These guesses are based off what the expansion for tennenouji’s other game, Miracle Not-on, did for the main game.)

When is it coming?  Nobody knows.  It’s been delayed quite a while, so here’s to hoping it’ll come out early 2013.

Will you be translating those games?

Once I near the end of the translations for the main game (all routes), I’ll pop an email over to tennenouji to ask for permission to work on those games.  My answer will depend on theirs.

What other media is there for Lucky Dog 1?

There are 7 drama CDs for LD1 – the Anniversary Special, Special Collection Drama, Summer / Autumn / Winter / Spring Chance, and the Mobile Special Drama.

The Chance CDs are story dramas, each with two stories.  Summer has a Giulio and a Luchino story.  Autumn has an Ivan and a Bernardo story.  Winter has an Ivan and a Giulio story.  Spring has a Luchino and a Bernardo story.

Other than that, tennenouji had serialized a series of short stories (SS) over two years.  These are collected in the anniversary books.  There are also more SS included with the artbooks as well as with different store order bonuses.  I think there are some included with the different CDs, too (as in, inside the CD jackets).

Finally, there is a manga series called Lucky Dog 1 Blast, published by MF Comic Gene and illustrated by uzu8.  My prediction is that it will follow the canon route for LD1.

Will you be translating the short stories?

Same as above.  However, I will not be translating the store order bonus SS simply because I do not own them.  If anyone has them, scanned or typed, please share!

What’s the canon route?

LD1 has four different routes, each with different people.  Which is the “correct” route, then?  According to the non-pairing SS and LHL, none.  In the canon route, Gian pairs up with no one and his four captains are left with budding feelings that prompt rather embarrassing almost-confessions in the SS.

When do you update, and how much at a time?

I generally translate 3 chapters a week.  I upload them on the weekend usually.  This is not a guarantee, though, and I will deviate according to school schedule and whatnot.

What are the chapters for?  They’re not actually in the game!

The “chapters” are purely my own creation.  They were created for both my convenience and the readers’.  It’s so I can have bite-sized chunks so I’m not overwhelmed when I’m translating, and it’s so the readers can have bite-sized chunks so their browsers don’t wig out on them (which still happens from time to time).  The chapter titles are decided arbitrarily, so readers can find and refer to specific sections easier, although I pull the ending titles from the Visual Fanbook.

Why are there watermarks on the pictures? / Why aren’t there any ending pictures? / The pictures are … small.

Due to the extensiveness of this project, I’ve taken precautions to get permission from tennenouji to translate this game.  I was given the “Do whatever you want,” with three provisos.

One is that all pictures used must have a watermark of some sort (something very simple, as you can see).

Two is that pictures must be below a certain size limit.

Three is that I cannot use the ending pictures, as well as the 100% bonus pictures on the site.  I’m pretty sure you can find these online elsewhere if you try hard enough.  If you still can’t, feel free to email me.

The pictures are all really small.

You can click the pictures to enlarge them.

You made a mistake here and here. / This doesn’t sound right. / That’s not how that phrase is used.

Please leave a comment and tell me!  Corrections / comments are always encouraged.  I make every effort to be as correct as possible (while preserving voice), but of course I’ll make mistakes.

As for certain jargon … I will admit that Mafia is outside my usual field of expertise.  I’m still planning to watch some Mafia movies to help, but that can only go so far.  If some phrase or term isn’t used right or could be used better, please let me know.

This link doesn’t work. / This picture doesn’t make sense here. / The picture didn’t appear.

Let me know if the link doesn’t work.

If a picture doesn’t make sense, then it’s likely that I uploaded the wrong picture.  Please let me know.

If a picture doesn’t appear, it can most likely be fixed with a simple refresh.  If the problem persists, leave me a comment and I’ll check it myself.  This usually happens because there are a lot of pictures in a screen and for some reason or other, the browser can’t keep up.

What’s this word/phrase mean?

I’m trying to reference and define all jargon and Italian used in LD1 in the Mafia dictionary.  Background information on how the usual Mafia works (courtesy of Wikipedia) is found on the Mafia background page.

Ack, NSFW!!!  How do I skip it?

Unfortunately, I’m still working on a handy menu system, so you’ll have to do it manually.  You can either move yourself back to the Lucky Dog Translations main page and choose the next scenario from there, or you can go to the URL bar and just type the number for the chapter two chapters down.  (For example, if you’re on chapter 03, and the NSFW chapter is 04, then type in 05.)

How will you handle choices in the game?

That … is a tricky question.  The three parts of the game work differently, so I’ll answer the questions for the three parts.

Part 1: Prison works like a web.  I will strictly be following the walkthrough and ignoring all times the “Who do you wish to speak to?” choice comes up.  There are rare times when you have choices in between, and the dialogue for both choices will appear on that page.  When you click the two choices, they should bring you to the right spot.

Part 2: Escape is fairly linear, but it is important to make the correct choice to stay on that specific route.  Thus, I will show where the choices appear, but I will disable the choice that isn’t optimum for that route (according to the walkthrough).  To view the dialogue for the other choice, you’ll have to go to another route.

Part 3: Daivan is split into normal and best route (usually).  I will be putting the scenarios for both choices on that page, and you can choose.  I will make a note, however, as to which belongs to the normal route and which to the best route.  I translate the “normal route” first, and then I’ll move on to the “best route,” so I will fill in the missing choices as I work through the “best route.”

When I played the game, I didn’t get this scene!

Which is why I follow a walkthrough.  If you don’t get a certain amount of Luck or Omertà in the game (which are determined by your choices), you won’t get all the scenes.  Usually, the scenes that are affected are the NSFW scenes and the ending scenes.

42 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. eclipsehunter
    Jan 23, 2013 @ 18:49:36

    Hi, um about Bad Egg, I went on the official website to see if there is any news cause I really wanted to see GD Gian, but nothing new except for this picture of that Bakshi in prison and some other GD guy holding him down. Do you know who that is? Have you seen it?


    Btw the GD Gian on the index page looks so cool. I think he looks much more badass that his suit and tie look which makes him look cute but not cool. I wish this game will come out already so I can see GD Gian and wonder how the story will go.



    • terracannon876
      Jan 23, 2013 @ 18:56:52

      Lol! Yeah, that’s been there for a while. There hasn’t been any more word on Bad Egg (and subsequently on the picture), so sorry, but I can’t answer the question on who the chara is XD

      I do like the look of GD!Gian. I just dread what he’ll actually be like XD



  2. eclipsehunter
    Jan 23, 2013 @ 19:00:58

    Is that character a spoiler alert? or you don’t know? Btw do you know what Giulio’s grandfather’s name is? I mean first name?



    • terracannon876
      Jan 23, 2013 @ 19:02:31

      As in, no information’s been released on him, so I honestly don’t know XD No spoiler alerts here!

      Same with Don Bondone. I don’t recall reading a first name ever. It’s possible it might be in one of the longer SS, but I highly doubt it.

      Sorry to not be of help =(



  3. eclipsehunter
    Jan 23, 2013 @ 19:04:46

    Oh, no worries but just one more question, do you know who Ethan is? in the SS, I read some rough translations about an Ethan but I only know he’s an old guy so I thought it was his grandfather cause the only other old guy is name Toni so I doubt it’s him.



    • terracannon876
      Jan 23, 2013 @ 19:05:35

      Ethan is the boss of the GD. He is also old friends with Alessandro.

      Tonio is Cavalli’s first name.



    • ginna
      Apr 16, 2013 @ 03:53:11

      i could be wrong cause i cant read Japanese but i heard Ethan is friends with Alessandro when they were young and had a united dream .There were 4 friends and had a stray dog as a fifth member and they were planing to clean the cr 5 from the bottom .Ethan personality was like Ivan in that group . Alex was suppose to be like Gian plus Luchino. .Carlo (who might be Gian dad ) was like Bernardo and Nico is kind of like Giulio. Some one suggests that Ethan was behind Gian parents being killed…..No one really knows what happen to that group of friends but some people think that love got between their vows of friendship hopefully it will be revealed in bad egg if that is ever updated …..Will they make Bad egg ?



      • terracannon876
        Apr 16, 2013 @ 06:05:06

        Please, next time you make a comment be mindful that some people don’t want to read spoilers. You could have easily asked the same question without going into such detail.

        No word on Bad Egg yet.



  4. eclipsehunter
    Jan 23, 2013 @ 19:07:58

    Ahha! I knew it! I knew it! Yeah I meant Tonio not Toni, cause I think they only mentioned his first name once. Gee, I kind of wish they release the SS in English, I feel like there is an interesting backstory that they aren’t letting the non-Japanese speakers know about. So unfair!!



  5. etyy
    Jan 24, 2013 @ 05:00:38

    Ethan’s the boss of GD? I thought he was just a henchman like Bakshi or something. The SS never did mentioned why Ethan betrayed Alex, right? And then there are also the one’s called Nico and Carlo, if I’m not mistaken. Whatever happened to them? The rough translation is kind of hard to understand.



    • terracannon876
      Jan 25, 2013 @ 16:48:52

      Ethan is the boss. The Executives are Max, Bakshi, David, and Honus.

      Nico, Carlo, Ethan, and Alex (Alessandro) are part of a group of friends from way back. I forget if there was a fifth person. I’d have to reread. I wouldn’t say Ethan betrayed Alessandro, from the sound of it. It sounds more like a … Xavier + Magneto situation, but less … directly confrontational than a bullet to the spine and nuclear missiles. They even go so far as to say “old friend,” I think?



      • Saya
        Jan 25, 2013 @ 18:09:12

        the fifth person is a dog named Lanu. And….perhaps Giulio’s grandfather’s name is Cosimo. (cf.DramaCD Winter Chance `To Say Long Good Bye’)
        それと これネタバレになるのか迷ったので日本語でこっそり書きます。もう読まれてるかも知れませんが、ジュリオのナイフの先生は The newest SS, Night of the Garaxy Wayでしっかり登場してます。あとジュリオの両親とかルキーノの妻子とか。カルロもかっこいいです。横からすみません。
        Sorry for interference.



        • terracannon876
          Jan 25, 2013 @ 18:11:46

          Haha, thanks for the consideration =P

          I’m … I wasn’t…really counting Lanu, but I suppose he DOES count… Kinda…

          Ah, thank you for providing where to look, too! I skimmed through Night of the Galaxy Way but … it was really, really weird. I’ll read it in more detail in the future ^^;;



      • Saya
        Jan 25, 2013 @ 18:27:43

        Yes,Night of the Galaxy Way is a fan fiction.It was very interesting in comparison with Kenji Miyazawa’s Night of the Galaxy Way.
        日本でこのthird aniversaySS,Night of the Galaxy Wayが発売された時、公式で買うと5人の「銀河鉄道の切符」が特典で付いてきたのですが、その切符の解読をめぐって日本中のファンが大騒ぎでした(・∀・)。未だに謎は解明されていません。



        • terracannon876
          Jan 25, 2013 @ 18:40:08

          自分のをあんまり見ていなかったからその切符はどういうことかぜんぜん気付かなくて… ただ面白そうだな~ 可愛いね~ 絵が綺麗ね~っと思っていたの (。_。)
          Ah, is Night of the Galaxy Way an actual story that this was based off of or something?

          And now you know how I write my Japanese XDDD



  6. Saya
    Jan 25, 2013 @ 19:07:08

    Night of the Galaxy Way is ……some of……sf. Very difficult for me.A space-time continuum? Or so? I cannot explain even in Japanese.At least the storyline is very like Kenji Miyazawa’s juvenile story.
    偉大な宮沢賢治へのhommageとして捧げられているのだと思います。また、Lucky Dog 1のStoryの中で、死んだ人々へのrequiemにもなっています。銀河鉄道は死者を乗せる電車である(銀河鉄道999ではありません。)というのは、ほとんどの日本人が宮沢賢治の童話を読んでいて知っているので、なんでジャンたちが乗ってるんだー!とハラハラしながら読むわけです。



    • terracannon876
      Jan 25, 2013 @ 19:37:33

      …それなのに何で地図で日本を見つけられないのかね… XD

      Hum. I’ll check it out. It’s kind of has a mellow feeling, now that you explained it. I’ll look into it. =)

      …And please! Spoilers for this little puzzle are welcome! …Or at least, HOW to solve the puzzle is welcome XD



      • Saya
        Jan 25, 2013 @ 20:00:05

        All Japanese people knows about BlueBird story.Perhaps the author doesn’t know that is unknown to many American people.
        Night of the Galaxy Wayについては、物語の最初のところでBernardoが「書かれたばかりのJapanの小説」としてKenji Miyazawa’s novels の原稿をGianたちに読ませたことになってます。またpuzzle of Tcketですが…それぞれの幹部の切符に書いてある右半分が西暦(19**)で左半分が幹部の年齢 と考えると……!!! 



        • terracannon876
          Jan 25, 2013 @ 21:38:50

          Yeah, I had a hunch XD I’ve seen the story referenced elsewhere, too.

          … I have no comment. I … will go look at it tonight, and then I will curl up depressed, and then I will get back to you on this ._.;;;



      • Saya
        Jan 25, 2013 @ 21:38:14

        The Blue Bird(the author Maeterlinck is Belgian.) was picturized many times in America.(1976,Main heroine was Elizabeth Tailor!)So I also thought all American people know about it…….(´・д・`) But some Japanese young people don’t know that fairy tale.



        • terracannon876
          Jan 25, 2013 @ 21:39:58

          It is very unknown. The names Tyltyl and Mytyl are thankfully very distinct, though, so if anyone reading it here had no idea what it was, then they could easily Wikipedia it.



        • terracannon876
          Jan 27, 2013 @ 11:16:27

          Wow … I see what you mean… Wow Luchino >< What did you do??!

          切符の中の目的地がどういう意味なのかな?「旅の果て」だと思われたのですが、その半分の名は存在しない? そしてジャンの切符は何で空っぽなのかな… 「旅は永遠に続く」って事? でもなんか変な絵柄が見えると思う… 気のせいのかな…

          切符の秘密を知らせてくれてありがとう! 🙂



      • Saya
        Jan 27, 2013 @ 12:43:59

        When I found out the number, I was panic-striken…`Luchino!? Giulio!? Too early! What wil happen!?(((;゚д゚)))’ ←just like this.
        I cannot understand the meaning of Their goal on their ticket,but they reach the goal place(in their dreams?)in the SS. Polano,Carbonado,Shaula(the Scorpio) is the places that is described in Kenji Miyazawa’s novels. Santa-Clara is NOT the real city in California. That is the name of the elixir of life described in SF novel`Instrumentality of Mankind ‘written by Cordwainer Smith….とラッキードッグファンからの情報で聞きました。私もそこまで全部読んでないので不明です。
        Only Gian’s ticket seems to be a leaf. there are 24 veins of a leaf.
        この24の葉脈がGianの人生の分かれ道だとか、たくさんあるscrollwork がGianが人助けをした数だとか、文字みたいに見える模様が人物のinitial とか、いろんな解釈がありました。私もHebrew の文字まで調べて考えてみたけど、結局わかりません(゚∀゚ ;)



  7. Purrson
    Jan 26, 2013 @ 07:07:31

    Heyyy! ! I’ve beeen meaning to ask this. So you translate written japanese, can you translate , like, voices? XD What I meant is like not kanji, but something out of a drama CD?



    • terracannon876
      Jan 26, 2013 @ 12:24:25

      I .. haven’t really tried, and I know there will be troubles. I can understand 95% of what’s said, usually. The remaining 5% is difficult because not only am I not a native speaker (so I can’t go “Oh, it sounds like this word; let’s look it up”), but also because my listening comprehension sucks in any language, English included ._.

      Is this a subtle nudge towards translating the drama CDs?! XD



  8. etyy
    Jan 26, 2013 @ 20:18:58

    Hey terra. Which shop do you usually buy your LD1 products? Is it cheaper compared to the other stores? What form of payment is accepted?



    • terracannon876
      Jan 27, 2013 @ 11:17:44

      Depends on the product? The anniversary books I order from the woga website, since they came with preorder goods. Everything else I use Amazon.jp and get used items; shipping I use YokattaWeb. Don’t try using ebay – those jerks will sap you of all your money.



  9. etyy
    Mar 01, 2013 @ 07:32:49

    Hey terra. Thanks for telling me about Yokattaweb. I just got my Lucky Pack fanbook and it is gorgeous. Thanks again.



  10. crowsama
    Mar 19, 2013 @ 23:00:40

    So you’ll be working on translating Durarara at one point in time, eh? Great! Though I hope you’ll reconsider starting from scratch. Too many people looking forward to novels 7 and up! Which unfortunately haven’t been translated yet…and so far is looking to be blanks in the Durarara story! Not greater tragedy than never getting to finish a good book!



  11. erson
    May 22, 2013 @ 05:30:31

    I’m quite interested on the conversation, What i The newest SS, Night of the Garaxy Way? well reading the comments a can picture out that it was a story behind lucky dog.. ahh I want to know more about it but can’t see on the web. Tnxs.



    • terracannon876
      May 22, 2013 @ 07:53:33

      You probably won’t find it on the web considering it’s a 200+ page “short” story (referred to as SS on this site) that only appeared in the 3rd Anni books. Also, Japanese-only.

      It’s based off the famous Japanese short story titled the same name by Kenji Miyazawa I believe, so looking up that story may help.

      I haven’t read it myself (it’s long and rather abstract) so I can’t talk much about it’s contents XD

      (Plus… Spoilers? XD)



      • Saya
        May 22, 2013 @ 10:22:14

        Sorry,Terra! Kenji Miyazawa’s story’s title was……Night on the Galactic Railroad. (Or, Milky Way Railroad or……ええい、翻訳が多すぎるわ!) 
        And Night on the Galactic Railroad was made into an anime movie film in 1985.



        • terracannon876
          May 22, 2013 @ 10:25:45

          Hahaha, I was talking off of memory, but thank you for the correction XD And you’re right. I forgot about the anime. Either way, though, for those interested, wikipedia provides a rather nice summary (I think?).

          いえいえ、英語の方もとても上手でした 🙂 でも驚いた… 返事が早いわ! まさか待ち伏せていたじゃないでしょうね :P ところで、無料版もいると知っているが、とても参考になりそうから「銀河鉄道の夜」も買ってきました。まだまだ読んでないけど。



          • Saya
            May 23, 2013 @ 07:16:51

            (*゚ロ゚)ハッ!! ふっふっふ…ストーカーがバレてしまっては仕方がない。……ってGiulioほどじゃないです;; そう思っていただいて光栄ですが、待ち伏せできるほどのヒマも忍耐力もありません…(英語は辞書を片手に読んでいるので時間かかるし、流し読みです:) 現在 東京で絶賛公演中のBlack Butler’s musical の演劇に浮気してて、数日ぶりに覗いたら3rd anniversary ssの話題があったので つい書き込んでしまいました:) Sebastianに浮気しててごめんねGianさん!



    • terracannon876
      May 22, 2013 @ 08:02:48

      If you’re really interested in knowing, feel free to email me.



  12. Alice
    Jul 05, 2013 @ 21:35:13

    Hello terra!
    I have a question…which is GD?



    • terracannon876
      Jul 05, 2013 @ 22:16:10

      GD, as in the gang in Lucky Dog? It stands for Grave Diggers and is the enemy gang that terrorizes Daivan in all four routes of the game. They and the CR:5 are always at odds.



  13. faildissimo
    Aug 21, 2013 @ 11:35:01

    Hello there, Terra!

    First of all, I just want to thank you for the very awesome translation you’re doing, I appreciate it very much and it’s made playing LD1 so much easier. You’re doing a great job!

    I’d also like to ask if it would be alright for me to do a Let’s Play using your translation as a guide. Quite a few people on the forum I frequent seem to like the game, and I figure it would be a good opportunity to give LD1 a bit of publicity. I’d be using my own screenshots, however. Would this be alright, or would you rather I drop that idea?

    I hope everything is going well, otherwise, and I wish you a great summer! Thank you again~



    • terracannon876
      Aug 21, 2013 @ 14:06:36


      Thank you for your enthusiastic comment 🙂

      However, sadly, I can’t say yes to this. I’m assuming that this will be posted on YouTube with the voices and music, etc., and I have to respectfully ask that none of my translations be put up on YT with playthroughs of the game. Even if you are just using screenshots, this is a visual novel so … the entire game is comprised of stills. It’s essentially the same thing.

      Thank you for asking me, and I’m sorry for the negative response. I hope you understand.

      I hope you have a great summer, too, and thank you for your support. m(._.)m



      • faildissimo
        Aug 24, 2013 @ 05:19:45

        No worries, I completely understand!

        The LP wasn’t going to be put on YT though (I can’t video capture to save my life anyway since I don’t know how), but was instead going to be a screenshot LP hosted on my forum community, Broken Forum.

        I’ll drop the idea, however, so no need to worry about that. Thank you for answering me so quickly and thank you again for the translation!

        Have a nice summer~



  14. Lan
    Mar 05, 2017 @ 14:50:29

    Does anyone know what the color code in secret diary F&L represent? Why do some stories get boxed in blue while others in pink? @_@



    • terracannon876
      Mar 05, 2017 @ 16:02:55

      I’m not sure why, to be honest. All I can say is that all the ones boxed in pink are very long stories, but they’re also not the only long ones. Sorry can’t be of much help 😦



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