Bernardo update

I debated whether to make a post about this, but I decided that I’m not nice enough to withhold a cliffhanger from you, so here, have the first chapter of the next series of updates.

Bernardo Ch12-1

On another note, that takes care of all the bad endings 🙂

Oh look. I’m alive.


So, first order of business: Finish translating the damn contest prizes.  Sincere apologies to anyone who won one of the prizes that required translations – doujinshi or preorder goods or 4th Anni books or artbooks.  I’m going to be finishing them as fast as I can and shipping them out to you.  Please let me know if your address has changed since we last talked.  I’ll send a message before I ship the thing out, too.

  • 4th Anni manga
  • Anniversary 2 book
  • Lucky Dot CR:5 Doujinshi
  • Bow Wow CR:5 Doujinshi
  • Pike pack CR:5 Doujinshi
  • Place of Rest Ivan Doujinshi
  • Ordinary Love Song Giulio Doujinshi
  • Take Five Luchino Doujinshi
  • YURA Lucky Pack Artbook (2 SS, LHL snippets, LHL walkthrough, Gian’s Egg walkthrough)
  • Official Visual Fanbook (2 SS, profile information, LD snippets, LD walkthrough, Interview)
  • Total Eclipse Ivan Doujinshi

And, since it’s been so long (I said I’d be done with them in FEBRUARY), I’ll throw in free shipping ._.;  To make myself feel better…?  To clean out my room?

(The artbooks are a bit of a doozy, but the good thing is I needed to translate parts of these originally anyways.  They have good information on timelines and SS and background info.)

(I’ll cross off items when I’m done.)

Next order of business: The damn contest book.  Same deal as above.  I really haven’t been able to work on anything for the past 6 months, much less than I anticipated.  Damn.

Next next order of business: Finishing poor, poor Bernie’s route.  It’s about time I get this game done.  I’m going to aim for finishing first full translation by the end of the summer, though this summer isn’t exactly entirely free of activities either.  (First full translation != uploading, though.)

Don’t worry, I’ll do this as I’m doing the first item.

Again, I’m really sorry for making you all wait – contest winners and fans of LD1 alike.


Don’t feel obligated to press it.  It just looks cute there.  If you’d like to press it anyways, then … you have my deepest thanks ._.

Even though I haven’t done anything recently … other than chip away at a SS that isn’t technically even canon (I think) ._.

Well, the semester ends in May, one way or another.  After that, I intend to put much more time into LD1.  I don’t want this hanging over my head forever, and I feel bad enough for both the fans and tennenouji already.

Lucky Dog 1 update

There was a Lucky Dog 1 update today on the official site.  Since this is a pretty big update this time, I’m making a post on this.

1.) Suganuma (the main writer for LD1 bad egg+) now has a twitter account.  You can go stalk him here.

2.) There is now a live marker that shows how far along bad egg+ is on the side.  Currently, this is the progress.

badegg meter

3.) There are two new buttons in the body of the main page.  The bottom one leads to a working mail form where you can “kick Suganuma into action.”

4.) The top box leads to the “Lucky Dog 1 Super Long Short Story” that Suganuma will be writing as a change of pace and that will probably “take 10 years to complete.”  It is a “forbidden work.”

official site update

(Just in case you think he’s kidding about there being a SS, the top image on the main site actually does lead to 4 parts of an SS.  I have not read it so I don’t know what it’s about.)

Well, suspicions aside, the mail contact form is working and tennenouji does know some English, so please feel free to send words of encouragement.

The SS title, btw, is “BitterSweet Symposium.”

Update: All of the above were April Fool’s, including the Twitter account, lol.  Oh well, it was good while it lasted.  I had fun chatting with … I am willing to bet that was the tennenouji Support masquerading as him ^^;  (Or maybe Suganuma really did man a Twitter account for one day??)  I’ll be working on the SS regardless, though.  I will take any LD material I can, haha.

I wonder if the bad egg+ meter was really a joke, though…  (As in, are they really … 10% through?)

Thank you for another year!

This has been a really inactive year, and I can really only blame myself (if anyone) on that.  My excuses are the usual and unusual, but please rest easy that I have not forgotten this game.  It’s been 3 years since I’ve started this blog and translations, and I don’t intend to stop.  I had hoped to finish Bernardo’s route by now, and … well, it’s getting there.  I’ve been working on it this vacation, but it’s still not in a viewable format yet, unfortunately.  But nonetheless, thank you everyone for sticking with me and finding me and checking every once in a while (I think?).

Overall, I don’t consider 2014 a good year in my life (one of the worst, quite frankly), but let’s round out the year by recounting the good that happened this year.

The contest was a great success, and so was the Sugacards.  I’m currently getting the prizes out, and you can see the contest submissions in the contest page.  I think I should about take down the pictures on Pixiv now, lest people think they’re actually mine…

I did actually finish a rough draft translation of the entire LD1 game (finally).

LD1 had loads of stuff get released such as the iOS short stories and Secret Diary F&L (what? They’re the same games??  Balderdash!), and though bad egg+ was delayed (were you honestly surprised), tennenouji are keeping us informed on what’s going on and whatnot now, at least.

Bernie’s route is approximately 2 chapters from being completed.  I want to try to finish one before posting.  All the bad endings are done, too (whoopie…).

Also, for those not in the know, I do have a semi LD-related tumblr in that I actually do post some of my progress there.  (Most of it’s my videogaming stuff, though.)

That’s all I remember from this year for this blog.  Like I said, not a lot happened, but … I hope you all enjoyed reading what I did have.  Thank you to all who visit, and a big ol’ thank you for all who participated in the contest!  Thank you for another year, guys 🙂

2014 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. This blog was viewed about 710,000 times in 2014. If it were an exhibit at the Louvre Museum, it would take about 30 days for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

Lucky Dog 1 Contest Results

First off, I want to thank everyone for a wonderful contest!  The results were amazing, and I really appreciate everyone’s efforts.

I want to thank everyone for being patient about the week-long extension with the voting, but finally, the results are in!  Many of you have said that you’d like to see the top ranking few, and so I will list the top few rankings for each category (the number depending on the number of participants) in a bit, but first…

Here are the top placing participants!
(See the contest submissions here!)
  1. Gulper Eel
  2. Laura-preciousseashell
  1. Aki
  2. Arcielfreeder
  3. wheatpaste
  4. GhostAlly
  5. Vicky
  1. May / 梁美
  2. Scooter
  3. Soapytoast1
  1. Aural
Again, thank you everyone for participating!!



Lucky Dog 1 contest

The submissions are all up on Pixiv.  Though general viewers can’t vote, please feel free to see the entries.

Voting is held privately by participants only.

See entries here.

…I guess this means I really need to get cracking on some translation work ^^;


One day left for contest!

Hello all!

There is one day left for the official deadline of the contest.  Submitting any time during Oct. 20 (or before) is fine.  As I stated in a post, it’s not like I can close my email down to prevent submissions.  Do keep in mind that I’m not editing the Pixiv judging site (however I get that up) once it is up, though.

However, if you still feel like submitting non-judging submissions for the book, you have no deadline restrictions.  Just try to get them in before, say, end of November.

(I am also looking for one more Sugacard.)

When you submit, please include:
1.) Submission (or photos of it)
2.) Identify which is judging submission (if applicable)
3.) Title (optional)
4.) Author’s note/comment (optional)
5.) tennenouji comment (optional)

And if you don’t want to include the optional parts, please tell me so I don’t poke you back 😉

Here are guidelines for each category of submission:

And, since this will be the last email about the submission process itself, I want to thank you all for participating!

Español :

Gracias por su participación en este concurso ! La fecha límite es mañana . En aproximadamente una semana, voy a contactar con usted sobre el proceso de evaluación .

Cuando usted envía su creación o fotos , por favor incluya un título , una descripción y mensaje a tennenouji si quieres . Éstos son opcionales , pero por favor me dicen si usted no desea .

Current participants: 33

  • Fanart: 17
  • Doujinshi: 2
  • Cosplay: 4
  • Fanfiction: 4
  • Other: 6
    • Paper models
    • Perler beads
    • Felt plushies
    • Hama mittons
    • Figurine sculpting

Sugacards: 7

Contest Q

Someone asked me this, and for some reason I had never considered it, so though this is VERY late (literally 2 days left!), I just wanted to let you know about this.

You are only allowed to submit one judging submission for a category. Though I made no mention of this previously, this is for the entire contest.  This is mostly because, as I said, it is VERY late into the contest and I think a few people might have wanted a second chance in the contest had they known earlier.

It also sounds like I had implied this in the rules when I said “one judging submission only.”

Also, more people have asked me this, too.  When are the entries due?

They are due any time during the Oct. 20, so if you send them in on Oct. 20 24:00, then so be it.  …It’s not like I can lock my email down to prevent you from sending your entry in.

I think I mentioned this before, but I have picked out some doujinshi that I am willing to give away.  I will try to post pictures next weekend (I have a midterm this week, so nothing on this site is getting done over the weekdays).  These doujinshi are 20 or more pages and I will include translations.

Another email will be going out to you guys tomorrow reminding you about the deadline on Monday.  Good luck on your submissions!  (And, for some of you, on your studying!!)

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